To suggest anyone has legs, and can run anything, or anywhere, is legist appropriation, and is blatant bullying of those who have no legs.
To suggest some one is capable of laughing, would suggest having a sense of humor - A label.
Finding things is frowned upon within the @bullywatch, especially if it involves those who do not want things to be found.
This is a first warning !
@bullywatch is intolerant of :
Free speech,
Any kind of disagreements.
......Or pointing fingers at anyone that the foundation fathers:
Get stiffy's through the use of webcam services,
Or requires the saddling up a large white horse with some white knight armor, and all the appropriate virtue signalling regalia that comes with it.
Thank you for the warning. Next time I'll do my best to keep my mouth shut and keep my opinions to myself. My most sincere sincere apologies.
You're very welcome - here to serve and protect !