RE: The Freedom Of Blurt

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The Freedom Of Blurt

in blurt •  3 years ago 

As you said that Blurt currently doesn't have a flag pattern on every post or comment
....And never will :)

How can you know that?

Believe or not, this not my uber conspiratorial mind at work here, I think the point was made to me by @owasco or @northern-tracey.(apologies if it was someon else).


...What would stop the top witness changing the code, and (for example), make it identical to the system currently on steem or hive.

'it never will' ....How can you know this...?
Is there some kind of 'unalterable code' that would prevent witnesses from doing it , or something ?

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Ok, let me rephrase this.

Under the current structure it will never change and I'll explain how I can know this.

You may or may not remember the recent contest of wills between several whales and the Foundation. That resulted in many whales and others of the German community powering down which in turn devastated the value of Blurt to its current value over the last month.

That battle initiated with the whales in question (really one was leading the charge) in trying to force a code change that would have stripped property rights they disagreed with. The Foundation tried to find a compromise which was rejected as it didn't check off all of their demands.

So then the whale I mentioned tried to force a vote to expand what was to be limited. This was thwarted again by the Foundation who had enough witness votes to stop the forced vote for code change.

This then expanded the reaction by the whale who was seeking to limit others property rights (a freedom of expression). Who then took many shots at the co founder in such ways as calling him a dictator. Which ultimately after many weeks of this resulted in the co founder declaring that no one who was backing the whale with a badge he desired one place on their profile would be receiving an airdrop from him for his Game State project that is still forthcoming.

That is the condensed version, and I wrote on it a few times as things developed.

The actions of the co founder and the witnesses that stood their ground with him gives me a peace of mind that there will never be flags here.

This fork was made by the co founders @megadrive and @jacobgadikian to correct what they saw as major flaws with Steem. Which largely was the flag tool which steals stake claims while censoring.

There have been times I've been vocal AGAINST the foundations ideas. I was Highly critical of the desire by one of them to get involved as a chain in the Russia/Ukraine conflict. On my post on that the co founders both responded, and not in an attacking way. They've never sought any retribution for my expression of thought that was contrary to theirs. NEVER.

They both believe in freedom of expression and property rights. As does @rycharde who is also a large part of the foundation as he designs the math used for our reward pool.

So while nothing is ever permanently set in stone, I believe it's safe to know there will be no flags which runs counter to why the chain was founded and why so many who are here (witnesses included) came here.

They respect freedom of expression, even when it doesn't align with their own. It's that simple.

It's been a long time since I stopped by to see what's happening on Blurt and especially what you're doing.

My heart bleeds when I read what you have written. Have they clouded your clear mind or have you gone to the dark side?

You were always a compass to follow but now you seem to have lost direction. I write this as your friend and not to criticise you.

This struggle that began with the whales....

Have you really forgotten the beginnings? The abolition of the delegations was only a stopgap, we were not happy with it either. The beginning was to find a way to prevent @upvu from getting as big as it did with Steem.

If you're interested, upvu now determines a large part of the top20 on Steem. Ironically, he's just using his ownership rights to do that. If he keeps this up he might actually take Steem under his control if it isn't already.

I and my friends had quite different plans than taking away anyone's property rights. Witness votes, for example, were to be split so that no single account could take control. As a side effect, Megadrive would no longer have been able to determine the Top20, as is the case now. Maybe he didn't like that and that's why he chased us away?

As you noticed, he and Jacob did not respond to my open letter. Why? Why did he and Jacob remain silent and take a stand on the lies spread by Megadrive?

Well, for me Blurt is now very far away. And it is only with this great distance that I see how bad it has become. The energy that prevails here is comparable to that in the outside world. Part of the people still believe in the goodness of their so-called leaders.

In the real world you didn't fall for it, here on Blurt you obviously do. This saddens me and I hope the shock of realisation does not hit you too hard.

I wish you all the best with all my heart and take care of yourself!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Danke, mein Freund!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yep, that sums up the dispute - it sadly got tangled up with the second issue of "the war", so ended up with double-rage, which could at some future overshadow the original clash of ideas.

it sadly got tangled up with the second issue of "the war"

In hindsight it was (in my opinion) the point where Mega said fuck this shit after many weeks of being attacked. While I wasn't in favor of the war stance, as I posted my thoughts on, watching what happened between Mega and Double-u during that was like being a spectator at a train wreck as it happens. Watching as words that shouldn't be said were thrown out viciously. Smack out at someone enough times with no reprisal often leads the attacker into assuming weakness, as this demonstrated.

Then the smacker is often left bewildered when the reprisal finally comes and they find out they weren't standing on as solid a ground as they had tricked themselves into believing.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Then the smacker is often left bewildered when the reprisal finally comes and they find out they weren't standing on as solid a ground as they had tricked themselves into believing.

true ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Aha! So you actually do the math in these parts?! I'm pleased to know that!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

yeah, if you're interested there are quite a few older posts on the maths of the economic system.
I still think the original steem idea was naive.
social media + money changes behaviour totally.

money + social --> MONEY + social

Which is why, I suspect, the big socmedia sites are wary of going down this route.
Tipping is different, as is zero-sum.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Ok, cool. (not your rage, the understanding )

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for that reply - I know nothing of what you've just illustrated.
...did all this happen during the time I stopped posting , trying to organize my life to build blurt house?
(and failing miserably - due to 80% my old customer base all getting ill/dying from the clot shot...bugger)

They both believe in freedom of expression and property rights. As does @rycharde who is also a large part of the foundation as he designs the math used for our reward pool.

Good to know .
These 'dilemma horns' that I find myself sitting on , are a real pain in the ass...

It was building up for months. I wrote on it a few times. It reached its climax about 3-4 weeks ago which is why the price has fallen so dramatically as several whales among others have powered down and left.

I'm really glad to hear that you feel that way, I know that's what we both wanted

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)
