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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Even if I have BLURTS in it (Bittrex) I am for burning them because there is no guarantee that if one day Bittrex lists BLURT it will give me my share (although I trust Bittrex more than some of the other exchanges that have already proven in the past that they can't be trusted). I think that having them is more of a handicap for people potentially wanting to buy some BLURT and that it can be a dissuasive factor considering the amount of BLURT involved.

To have my complete thought it is necessary to go back further, personally, I think that the copy of the STEEM wallet was a mistake and that it would have been better to have a system of CLAIM WALLET with an expiration date, like that we would not have found ourselves with this dilemma 2 years later because of the huge amount of BLURT in ghost account.

And you what your thoughts on burning them?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

account sovereignty is sacrosanct

the whole point of crypto is account sovereignty

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I can understand your point of view, I think our vision differs in that you consider the account of an exchange as any other user whereas I see it more as a part of the exchange itself on the blockchain, just a bridge to its own database where the exchange user accounts reside (on which it dictates its own rules centrally)

Besides, my dev part tells me that after 2 years and considering the work on their database needed to be able to distribute the BLURT to their real owner, I don't think they will ever do it.

After a conciliation can be to ask the exchanges themselves to send the BLURT of their account to the @null account if they have no intention one day to airdrop their BLURT to their owner.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

considering the work on their database needed to be able to distribute the BLURT to their real owner, I don't think they will ever do it.

agreed and since those tokens are out of circulation, i don't see any "crisis"

megadrive said he wants to burn the 75 million tokens and then recreate them on the ION network

this would increase AVAILABLE SUPPLY and potentially drive the token price lower

even if you don't give a shit about account sovereignty

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

For my part, I would not say a crisis but rather a dissuasion weapon that can discourage people from investing/developing on Blurt, just because something is sleeping doesn't mean it can't wake up at any time.

About the ION network, I'm not for it but I have not yet studied the subject enough nor heard enough arguments to make my position definitive.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

what is "ION network"?
one person makes up shit and others repeat it!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

For me, ION network is like Ceramic network a Decentralized Identifier (DID), ION network is a Layer 2 when Ceramic is a mutable database on blockchain. After, I don't know more about ION network nor the purpose of creating tokens on it but considering your comment I suppose that this information to create 75 million token on ION network is wrong?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have no idea where the ION network idea came from. What does it have to do with Blurt?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Cosmos network, see ION is just the gov token of the Osmosis Dex which clawed back untouched airdrop as an example I referenced.

@logiczombie ⬆️

  ·  2 years ago  ·  
  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

blurt is not an "investment instrument"

we don't want to encourage "speculators"

blurt is a free-speech blogging platform

that is the primary value-case for the token

and as you've already pointed out,

the chances that 75 million blurt tokens will magically get dumped on the market without any notice is extremely unlikely - mostly because only an idiot would do that - anyone controlling those accounts is going to be savvy enough to know that in order to maximize their own profits, they would slow-bleed the accounts and would even be MOTIVATED TO HYPE BLURT in order to INCREASE the value of THEIR OWN WINDFALL

i mean, if i discovered that i owned 75 million shares of gamestop, i'd hype the shit outta that mutherfucker

tagg @megadrive @randula @outofthematrix @practicalthought @rycharde

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

blurt is not an "investment instrument"

I should have elaborated because you misinterpreted what I meant, if you have read some of my posts I think you know my position on speculative investors. Investing/developing on Blurt is not just about money but also about time (which is another form of money) whether it is as a blogger or as an app developer.

Would you be willing to gamble your blogging career and thus thousands of hours building something while keeping in mind that a sword of Damocles hangs over you for example? The same goes for application developers.

In my thought process for example I took it into account and what tipped the balance more in favor of one side than the other is the motivation and great work I saw in the core developer, the interesting ideas I saw on this blockchain and so I decided to take the risk of these 75 million blurt tokens. Then I put already $6,000 into it and spent already more on dApp development.

the chances that 75 million blurt tokens will magically get dumped

Before the story JS/Steem did you ever imagine big exchanges taking possession of their customers' STEEMs, powering them up, and interfering in Steem's governance?

even diluted it remains 75 million BLURT and I don't think a company like Binance, valued at $4.5 billion, which holds 25 million BLURT would be very careful

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

sure, time and especially development hours are "adding value" to blurt

but you have to ask yourself,

why blurt ?

is it perhaps because blurt stands on principles that cannot be found anywhere else ?

or is it because you think it will make you rich ?

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Before the story JS/Steem did you ever imagine big exchanges taking possession of their customers' STEEMs, powering them up, and interfering in Steem's governance?

funny enough,

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

even diluted it remains 75 million BLURT and I don't think a company like Binance, valued at $4.5 billion, which holds 25 million BLURT would be very careful

nobody, no matter how big they are, kills the value of their own holdings

Posted from

I am not involved enough to know the plus and minus of burning the 75 million Blurts and then recreating them on ION...

A seperate post to this topic would be more than helpful...👍

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

burning inactive accounts is not "obviously a good thing"

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

also, burning those tokens will reduce the reward pool

Posted from