Yey, It's A Productive Day

in blurt •  2 years ago 







Before sharing this blog today, let me share first these photos that I took a year ago. I saw these in my profile while scrolling my past posts.

Yey it's a productive day!

It's already a week when I haven't opened my other side hustles (Faucetcrypto and Coinpayu) because of so much busyness that we had last Wednesday and Thursday. Then the following day, I was suffering from body pains and later on, I got cough and runny nose that makes my body weak that lost my interest to visit those.

I woke up this morning with a happy mind and heart. As soon as I had finished doing my morning rituals, I had prepared for our breakfast because my partner will go to his work early. While doing so, I had been also busy with my side hustles. It's already been part of my morning to open those especially this platform and read few articles then proceed with other earning applications like Main and Pixie. I had been having a hard time posting photos in Pixie during the day so I decided to post early morning since the signal was good during that hour.


After we're done with our breakfast, it's laundry time. I was enjoying doing the laundry that made me unaware that I already washed many clothes, I only knew it when I'm done hanging all those and notice that there's only few space left in the "sampayan". When I rest, that's the only time that I felt pain on my back and with my hands too. I only handwash all of those since we do not have washing machine but despite feeling pains in my body, I still make the next thing that I want to do today.

And that is handsewing the worn out clothes of my children. I had been thinking of doing it but due to not feeling well the previous days, I wasn't able to do it. While sewing the clothes, my phone was beside me too. I opened my Coinpayu and Faucetcrypto account since I can just watch ads while sewing.

Doing this, I am not just productive personally, I was also productive with these two earning sites. After watching ads, I withdrawn my earn satoshis and coins then visit my Ysense account. There's one available survey so I clicked it and was able to answer successfully. Three surveys was successfully completed today. Thanks God.

Closing Thoughts

"I do believe that when we start the day with positivity, the day will turn out to be good."

Yey, I'm very productive today. I can say that slowly I'm getting back on track again especially in my side hustles.

This will be all for today. Thank you for reading!


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