My Youngest Son's Birthday

in blurt •  last year 

Hello Blurt friends!

Last February 3 was my youngest son's birthday. He was very excited for his special day that he even woke up very early in the morning and asked me if it's his birthday and I answered him Yes and kiss him. After he asked me, he then look for his birthday cake and I told him that it's too early for the cake.

So when the clocked ticked at 8 AM we readied ourselves so we could go to the nearest cake shop and order a cake. After 30 minutes of walking to the cake shop, we arrived and rang the bell so the owner of the shop would know our presence. A seconds after, the assistant of the owner showed up and asked us what we would buy. I pointed the square cake that cost $10. While waiting for the cake to be ready I took a photo of the shop.



"Yellow Ribbon" is the name of the cake shop where we bought Adam's birthday cake.

And here's the cake that we ordered.

This is a chocolate cake and we love the taste of it. It's not super sweet. Just enough that could satisfy our mouth.

And here's the birthday boy Adam holding his cake.


Adam when he was four months old

1 year old Adam

2 years old Adam


3 years old Adam


4 years old Adam


5 years old Adam

2_3_2022, 5_58_49 PM.jpg

6 years old Adam


7 years old Adam

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