Moment with my Kids After Applying for Their National ID

in blurt •  2 years ago 

I was absent for a day here because yesterday I was feeling tired and I'm not feeling well due to the sudden change of weather. As much as I wanted to write but I can't since I wasn't in the mood to write anything so I just let the day passed without being here.

For today's write up, I'll share to you all the happenings after applying for the national ID of my kids. It was around 3 PM when we went home but before reaching home, we stopped at the vast field to enjoy and take photos. Here are those.




Taking different poses of them. The first three photo was when I told them to jump. Seeing the captured photos, I can't stop myself from smiling because I saw how happy they were despite being tired from the agenda of that day in their school.

The photos may not be so clear because I took it a little distant from where they were standing but I'm happy to see that they both enjoyed doing what I told them. Looking at these four cuties, I can't help but felt emotional because the little angels of mine are now fastly growing. Very soon, they will be in their teenage years already and I will surely miss them being young.

However, there are still few more years before they will reach that certain age so I will make most of the time making good memories with them while they are still young so that when they grow up, we will both have wonderful stories to reminisce.





Before going home, we took some more shots where they enjoyed more. They were smiling and laughing while taking some pose. It was a tiring day but at the same time happy and memorable day for us. It was considered to be our short bonding with each other. It's very rare for us to spend some time outside so I make best memories with them.

And that's how we spend our afternoon after applying for the national id of the kids. Hope you had a great time reading this.

Thank you for the time reading this.

Happy Friday to all!!!


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