It's Feels Good to Spent More Time With My Kids

in blurt •  2 years ago 

Days, weeks and months passed, due to our busyness in life (kid's having their classes while me left alone in the house fulfilling the works that needs to be done while grinding with my side hustles) makes our bonding time lesser. I am guilty that sometimes we can only have long conversations during evening because that's when we are complete and honestly I miss those times that kids are just at home while doing their modules because during that time, we spent more time with each other. But I know things will change especially that now everything are slowly going back to normal where kids days will be spent mostly at school so whenever I have time with them, I will make sure to spent it with them.

Last night, when heavy rain poured and the internet connection isn't doing good, I spent it talking and taking selfies together with my kids. I was so happy to have time like this with them.

The first photo was supposed to be a selfie of myself but I when I got the click the camera button, my eldest son suddenly appeared at the back and posed. After I look at the captured selfie, I was smiling at it. Later on, I take another one and my other son joined with us.


In the photo is me, my eldest son and the Xander (one of the twins). Xander wasn't feeling well yesterday so as expected he wasn't smiling in the photo only my eldest who enjoyed that moment very much just like me.



The next photos are still me, my eldest son and Xander. In the fourth photo, Xander is now smiling. Seems his in the mood to smile even if he wasn't feeling fine and I'm happy to see him in that photo smiling.



And the last two photos were me and my eldest son only. The three kids were so busy that time and they didn't mind joining us.


Before ending this blog, let me share this happy moment of my youngest son and eldest son. Since it's raining earlier so I allowed them to bath and play under the rain. They were so happy and at the same time they enjoyed it very much. This is one thing that I want my kids to experience because I want them to have more happy and memorable memories while they were young so that when they grew up they will look back at it and they will be happy to remember it.

That's all for today! Have a blessed Tuesday Blurt Friends.


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