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The fight for popularity in the world as long brought technological revolution and innovation in the world and this innovations as birthed several kinds of social media.
Bruce Kasanoff said "Without people, every patent in the world would be worthless." People are major consumers of the product and services we produce therefore this has made the social media technology the highly appreciated technology because it has the ability the capture the greatest audience and crowd every business needs.
What is Social Media
A brief definition according to Wikipedia will give us a deeper understand of the term social media.
Social media are interactive computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation or sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks.
Origin of Social Media
The social media technology takes it roots to 1840s with telegraph as it first application, from thence it has evolves into so much as we have over 65+ application linked to the social media technology.
Human beings are a social species that relies on cooperation to survive and thrive hence the social media technology has become the most thriving technology because it comes to address the social needs of man which is connectivity, socialization and partnership.
[Image edited by me]
Several social application has so far been introduced all in the hope to reach the masses and also win their attention but funny enough, the loudest has always been the winners.
The social media is world most viral technology because of it connectivity prows.
It is no doubt that the social media has become the most preferred medium of advertisement and promotion because of the wide range of people it gathers.
Instead of allow some social media app go extinct, let cryptonize them and bring them back to the social space to make them relevant again and off course rewarding.
Skype is a tele-communications application that functions in establishing video chat and voice calls between computers, tablets and mobile devices. Skype also provides instant messaging services. Users may transmit text, video, audio and images. Skype was founded in 2003 by Niklas Zennström, from Sweden, and Janus Friis, from Denmark and developed by: Skype Communications S.a r.l. (Microsoft Corporation) in August 2003.
Current statistics show that as at March this year, Skype has lost over 60 million user with just 40 million user engaging the app on a daily bases against what it was in 2010.
If little modification is made to Skype and merge into the hive blockchain as a dapp to help reach other hivers all around the world and also use it as a medium for hivers to particpate in video contest like for instance a few months ago @dcooperation called out for hivers to give a one word description of hive that he wanted to compile the videos and make it a unified video. Now with skype, it would have been very easy to get all the videos he need in just a day and it would have reduced the length of time for the release of that video.
Flickr is an American image hosting and video hosting service, as well as an online community. It was created by Ludicorp in 2004 and has been popular with hosting high resolution photos by amateur and professional photographers.

Flickr on it own already has a well defined stand point for it users to gain rewards. Publish your originally captured photos and get rewarded. People will always engage a place where there are benefits attached to their engagement.
Instead of allow them die off lets bring them to blockchain and give it value again.
It absolutely loved the title of this post because I very much want to see collaborative applications on blurt, however I don't really understand why you chose Skype and Flickr. We're not going to be buying Skype or Flickr and we'll be using those brands.
However, we will be introducing secure messaging and we will have more robust media support in coming months.
first of all i thanks you so very much for reading through my blog. I really appreciate it when blurtters comment on my post.
The reason why i choose skype and flickr is because of their wide acceptability. Skype as we know was one of the leading social media app as at the time it came up because of it dual functionality... that is it ability to connect people visually and in text wise and it is already burning out.
I believe in one thing and that is that every effort should be duly rewarded hence the reason why i choose flickr.. so that every user has a sense of monetary fulfilment for using flickr to share their photo's..
I think with this we can pull the world to us.