Blurt #1 on Slashdot & Sourceforge

in blurt •  2 years ago 

About a week I reported on the Slashdot and Sourceforge have compiled a list of Best Decentralized Social Media Networks. Unlike my first post this time there was quite the feedback. Especially from the Blurt community.

And yes, I cross posted on all three platforms which gives quite the inside how the Blurt, Steem and Hive treat postings from small insignificant accounts. More about that later.

First the good news: Three of the top five places are now filled with Steem based blockchains:


With Blurt on place one. And rightfully so. If you read the cross post on Steem or Hive this statement might surprise or even ager you but Blurt is the most welcoming of the three when it come to small insignificant accounts. You only need to take a look at my posting from last week:



Just the obligatory self upvote. And if you go down my list of posts you see that my recent EDC series did just as badly.

SteemIt also has one two reviews.


SteemIt is rather inactive since the fork — which is better then having downvote wars.



16 upvotes is quite ok and again matches what you find when you go down my lists of posts on Hive.

Hive has six reviews of which all mentioned the downvote wars on Hive either to warn users or to downplay them.




26 votes and 15 comments. Which is significantly more then then what I usually get — so this might just be an outlier because I got a reshare.

Blurt has 8 reviews which are far less controversial then the Hive reviews. Only one bitter grape reviews.


Since the Blurt and Hive forked of Steem I noted significantly less drama and politics on Blurt than on Hive. It's also of noted that drama died down on SteemIt itself as well.

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Nice. I do feel that the rating comment titled

Hate against Free Opinion

is off base however. And I say this as someone who did lose one of the most important connections I've made here because of this.

While there were dick moves being thrown, all of them actually fell within the realms of free speech. No one was silenced, and no one had to leave. Most every one of those leaving or who has left could have stayed and either

  • Taken the IDUVTs tag from their profile to recieve the upcoming GameState airdrop


  • Left the tag on their profile as a statement (as I've seen some who are remaining are doing) and said screw the airdrop, I prefer my free speech and action and am willing to pay that price to continue on here speaking my truth.

Not one word was ever blocked or censored in that entire exchange that was ongoing for some time before the foundation finally entered the fray publicly.

While the entire thing is saddening and had a cost for everyone here, not one bit of it was against free opinion. It was a reaction if one would to a growing schism that those mostly affected were demanding had to take place. Coupled with some verbal jabs at the Foundation because it wouldn't bow to the demands.

One can't keep hitting out at another and logically expect that at some point those being hit at won't finally hit back. It's a sad thing for sure, and I really wish those who left would have decided to stay. There is more to Blurt than those in the foundation and those who use the VTS, and in a perfect world we would have been valuable enough that they could/would have stayed.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I noted that review as well and more or less dismissed it as sour grapes. BTW: What was that IDUVT thing?

It was a badge one was to put on their profile that meant you didn't use vote trading services. There was a huge war over it that was unnecessary, and many words and actions were taken. In the end, many whales and others from the German community left when their voting strategies were compared to VTS and they were issued an ultimatum to take the IDUVTS tag off their profiles or they would not be receiving the upcoming airdrop for Game State. The tag was found offensive and coercive by many, and in times I discussed it I posited that it was no different than self voting. That people have the right to use their stake as they see fit, not as others decide they should be using it. True freedom of speech and property.

I left this comment almost a week ago on it.

I've also written posts on it as it developed stating my opposition to those who would limit and label others for their use of personal stake if you are curious.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hi, thanks so much for this comparison, I’m a co-founder of Blurt. I can say Blurt is built on the ethos that everyone has value, we cater alot to the Latam, Indian and Nigerian communities. I believe crypto is supposed to be a wealth shifting catalyst from the rich to the poor, Blurt has helped many people and hope it continues to do so.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Interesting people can always be found anywhere and each platform is differentiated by its users and the ideas that precede it.
I share a great greeting and a great welcome.
I think that the wealth of each blockchain is held by its creators, and those who believe in it with each investment, therefore, witnesses and all are part of the same system. And we can all make a difference.
Good wishes to you and good vibes.😀

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

WoW! That's very impressive , but then Blurt is way better than the "down-voting" Power hungry Whale Egos on Hive 🤣

BLURT is a friendly and supportive blogging platform for sure!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I lost faith in Hive the moment I heard about the blocklists the Whales and Witnesses set up right in the fork. Which was about 2 weeks after the fork.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah, I think it's much worse there now ~ I simply up-vote posts with my Community Tokens! Mostly CENT √

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Blurt has surprised me a lot for recovering that spirit of offering as in the principles of some blockchains already in decline.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I always felt welcome on Blurt and noticed that's the way things fly here. Thanks for your analysis.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Excellent. Shared with 400 Million people on Twitter #blurtlove #blurtwitter #decentralized


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Awesome. Great post. Hopefully more people will write reviews. I think we have over 50,000 active bloggers here.

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @dsc-r2cornell. You can use the tag #R2cornell. Also, find us on Discord

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Very good bro, i have vote every day from droida bro, best app vote. Thanks you so much.