RE: BLURT chart displays shitting-the-bed pattern

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BLURT chart displays shitting-the-bed pattern

in blurt •  28 days ago 

Your regret, unfortunately, comes from the fact that you do not understand your role as a blurt buyer. When you buy a blurt, you are essentially paying for its operation. This is the role of the investor. A crypto investor pays for the functioning of some initiative by purchasing cryptocurrency, which in this case is shares of a "legal creation" of the ecosystem called Blurt.

An investor does this to support something he believes in and in the hope that when what he believes in sells, he will gain money in the form of an increase in value resulting from the increase in the value of the venture. So you bought it when it was cheap and worthless, but thanks to the team's work with your money, it gained value and you made money.

The problem is that this only happens when the Blurt "company" starts making money.

Promised, unfortunately, the blurt company does NOT make money, it only loses every day. So you are just paying for the work of people who, like me, pay and work on maintaining the servers and for parasite post with low-effort-content, and the problem is that the maintenance costs are higher than the profits (I will add here that I have not received a penny because I have not paid practically anything for a year and I pay USD 23 for a VPS from my account so it's like I buy blurt every month.). Not to mention paying for the work put into developing the platform. Most people here just do it partly as a hobby.

What's the problem? the problem is that instead of writing posts like this one in which you shoot yourself and me in the foot, because unfortunately but REALLY they discourage some users and only create doubt which will ultimately lead 100% to the fact that none of us will pay anything, you should as an investor, show up on a public witnes chat and pressure the team to do something about it, because you are paying them.

The problem is also that, unfortunately, as an investor, in order to secure your own investment, unfortunately now you have to take some action to save your money, just like investors who gather at shareholder meetings and sometimes simply vote on various things to save the company.

You should scream and write as much as possible, but not about everything falling apart, because what good will it do for you other than speeding up the process you fear? Just a blurt in other places, to attract people to whom you can sell the platform or to look for developers who, for example, are better suited to be witnesses than some of the current ones.

The sad truth about investing in projects such as blurt is that with great opportunities for growth, there is also a great chance of failure because these are not reliable projects run by talented people, but very often uncertain projects run by inexperienced hobbyists. And that's where the chance of +500 or +1000% comes from, because it may turn out that a project run by hobbyists, which no one is serious about (because serious capital usually enters places where there is already some greater stability), will become a great success. But this means that this "garage" initiative may end up like thousands of other garage initiatives, i.e. - 1000% apr at the end.

My advice, you are here, you have already invested with us. Don't shoot yourself and others in the foot. Just help us find a way out of the situation in which we lose instead of making money. Accusing others also does nothing because it only creates an atmosphere that kills the project, so there is no point in holding anyone accountable for anything other than by canceling support for witnesses for DAO projects or upvotes for weak content.

Unfortunately, there is no other option but to fight to the end or give up and accept the loss.

This is the world of real investing, or more precisely, the part of it called risk.

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  ·  28 days ago  ·  

I will also add a small digression regarding earnings on posts.

the irony is that people like you and me who physically pay for the maintenance of blurt lose, and in turn, for example @lucylin, who has been hating blurt for a year basically, pays out everything on the stock exchange that he gains immediately, he made money on it XD It may not be much, but always something.

Of course, I'm not saying that Lucilin shouldn't earn money. I'm just saying that the blurt system could basically be compared to a foundation for authors. The author gains the most here and, paradoxically, the most authors complain XD

Of course, the value of what you earn from writing decreases over time, but generally speaking, as an author, you still have more than 0 on your account for writing with practically zero risk because it only costs you time spent on publication, which does not even have to end up as publication in this one place, even if the blurt price drops to $0.00001, you will gain something.