[Witness Talks] A new approach to Blurt promotion that emerged from recent conversations [eng/pl]

in blurt •  last year 

Recently, I had intensive discussions with various people and I was thinking about promoting the blurt. Ultimately, this time turned out to be very fruitful. Thanks to it, a new concept of approach to how to promote our network and show people what it's all about has developed, to attract a lot of other people to our blockchain and start heading into more serious waters...

I especially encourage all witnesses:

@saboin, @fervi, @double-u, @megadrive, @actifit, @marendan, @matthew1, @outofthematrix, @world-travel-pro,
@sagarkothari88, @kentzz001, @zahidsun, @nalexadre, @freakeao, @alejos7ven, @blurtconnect-ng, @imransoudagar, @tekraze,
@randula, @nabeeel, @eastmael, @contrabourdon, @techcoderx, @cosmicboy123, @etainclub, @joviansummer, @ilnegro, @kamranrkploy,
@apokruphos, @openb, @blurtlatam, @ytyeasin, @forkyishere, @jacobgadikian, @jakeminlim, @gamer0815, @busbecq, @pixelwide,
@yehey, @blurthispano, @ionomy, @hornet-on-tour

and others...

I included this concept in the article below, which has already been published on promotional channels for the Polish community and I hope that it will also be available on English-speaking ones. Therefore, I encourage you to read and share:

---- Article ----

From user to Network Co-owner: Web 3 in Practice

What's all this about? In other words, why use the solutions offered by Blurt...

The most challenging task for people like me, who want to introduce the Blurt platform to others, is answering the question of what difference it makes for an ordinary user to use Blurt.

Someone who doesn't understand what's going on and just sees another platform for blogging and writing wonders:

Why blaze new trails when there are already thousands of places on the internet to blog, publish, gain reach, and viewers... and also make money.

As usual, the devil is in the details. And in this case, it's in what the ordinary user doesn't see at first glance, namely the technical solutions.

Blurt is not just a social media platform like a low-budget Facebook, nor is it another ordinary blockchain offering another so-called "shitcoin" without utility.

blurt-web 3.0 w praktyce.jpg

Blurt is a 100% solution of the so-called WEB 3, where cryptography meets classical internet 2.0, offering all the features that fall under this concept. Blurt simultaneously offers:

  • Cryptographic ownership signing for a given content, similar to the world of NFTs, but in relation to written content. Publishing on Blurt makes us the only, unique owner of that content because our article is signed with our key, and the transaction of posting it is immortalized and signed with our public key. This makes it our unique and exclusive property on the internet. No one besides us can delete it. No one can ban or censor it. For it to disappear, the entire blockchain on which it is stored would have to collapse.
  • Participation in the profits of the network in which we publish, depending on the value of our publications or the money we invest in it. Everyone who publishes receives rewards depending on the voting power of other network participants. These rewards are divided in a ratio of 25%/75% between liquid assets ready for withdrawal at any time and tradable shares in the network.
  • The ability to influence the direction of a given network by voting with our voting power for the people who directly shape it. This gives network users a greater voice in key issues and takes the power over the internet away from mega-corporations, returning it to network users.
  • Each upvote is a decision to transfer a certain amount and a percentage of shares in the network to someone, not just a reaction to a post. By clicking "like," you automatically support the author, not just boost traffic on a platform that enriches itself at the author's expense.
  • Decentralization of ownership - a network like Blurt belongs in part to everyone, so no one is its exclusive owner. There are, of course, larger and smaller stakeholders, but no one can definitively say that the network possesses it.

In summary, by using Blurt instead of, for example, Facebook or Twitter, you become a co-owner, co-creator, and decision-maker of the network, not its product. You secure your rights to manage every, even the smallest, comment and participate in the profits resulting from the platform's development as if you were its shareholder. Similarly, the value of each of your articles posted on the network increases with the growth of the entire network.

The difference is whether you want to become the product of the network or its user and shareholder.

So, although there is still much work ahead for Blurt developers before it can match current functionality standards, it's worth starting to use it today and overlooking these shortcomings because the real power, as they say in automotive terms, lies under the hood ;)

Here we are dealing with advanced cryptographic technology, the possibilities of which even 1% does not capture what we can currently see.

I encourage you not to be discouraged and to use the network. For those who are not interested in the fate of a passive internet user, Blurt offers new horizons to explore, and participating in the development of the platform from the very beginning will undoubtedly yield results in the future.

---- END----

If you have already read it, now let me summarize a few words.

As you can see, the new concept is that instead of constantly emphasizing that these are social media that pay for content, start emphasizing that these are web3 solutions and emphasize advantages such as signing the ownership of content similarly to nft, lack of censorship, decentralized nature of the network and, as above ...

Generally, in conversations with people such as @drutter and @olusolaemmanuel or @team-mexico or in the Polish community chat on Discord, we came to the conclusion that advertising is the only way to earn money and attracts people who want to drain the network and not contribute to its development.

Moreover, people don't really understand what the point is and what the difference is between posting here and, for example, on Twitter. There is not enough understanding of the benefits of blurt solutions.

I think that we should start following a slightly different promotion philosophy.

So I encourage discussion, but also to act.

---- PL----

[Witness Talks] Nowe podejście do promocji Blurt które wyklarowało się z ostatnich rozmów...

Ostatnio intensywnie dyskutowałem z rożnymi osobami i zastanawiałem się nad promocją blurta. Ostatecznie ten czas okazał się bardzo owocny. Wykształcił się dzięki niemu nowy koncept podejścia do tego jak promować naszą sieć i pokazywać ludziom o co w tym wszystkim chodzi aby przyciągnąć rzeszę innych osób do naszego blockchain i zacząć się kierować na jakieś poważniejsze wody...

Zachęcam w szczególności wszystkich witnessów:
^na górze lista^

Koncept ten zawarłem w poniższym artykule, który trafił już na kanały promocyjne dla polskiej społeczności i mam nadzieję że trafi również na te angielskojęzyczne. Zachęcam zatem do przeczytania do udostępniania:

---- Article ----

O co w tym wszystkim chodzi? Czyli dlaczego w ogóle ktoś miał by korzystać z rozwiązań, jakie oferuje Blurt?

Najtrudniejszym wyzwaniem, jakie stoi przed osobami takimi jak ja, chcącymi przybliżyć innym platformę Blurt, jest odpowiedź na pytanie, jaką różnicę robi korzystanie z Blurt dla zwykłego użytkownika?

Ktoś, kto nie rozumie o co chodzi i widzi tu po prostu kolejną platformę do blogowania i pisania, zastanawia się:

Po co przecierać na nowo szlaki, które już są przetarte? Przecież w internecie są tysiące miejsc, w których można blogować, publikować, zdobywać zasięgi i widzów... A także zarabiać na tym.

Jak zwykle diabeł tkwi w szczegółach. A w tym przypadku w tym, czego zwykły użytkownik nie widzi na pierwszy rzut oka, czyli rozwiązaniach technicznych.

Blurt nie jest zwykłą platformą social media ala nisko budżetowy Facebook, ani też kolejnym zwykłym blockchainem oferującym kolejnego tzw. "shitcoina" bez użyteczności.

blurt-web 3.0 w praktyce.jpg

Blurt to 100% rozwiązanie tzw. WEB 3, gdzie kryptografia spotyka się z klasycznym internetem 2.0, oferujące wszystkie funkcje, jakie pod tym pojęciem występują. Blurt oferuje jednocześnie:

  • Kryptograficzne podpisywanie własności dla danej treści, takie jak w świecie NFT, tylko że w stosunku do treści pisanych. Publikowanie na Blurt czyni nas jedynym, niepowtarzalnym właścicielem danej treści, ponieważ nasz artykuł jest podpisany naszym kluczem, a transakcja jego zamieszczenia jest uwieczniona i sygnowana naszym kluczem publicznym. Dzięki temu stanowi ona naszą jedyną i wyłączną własność w internecie. Nikt poza nami nie może jej usunąć. Nikt nie może jej zbanować ani cenzurować. Żeby zniknęła, musiałby upaść cały blockchain, na którym jest składowana.

  • Współudział w zyskach w sieci, w której publikujemy, zależny od wartości naszych publikacji lub pieniędzy, jakie w nią zainwestujemy. Każdy, kto publikuje, otrzymuje nagrody zależne od siły głosów innych współudziałowców sieci. Nagrody te dzielą się w stosunku 25%/75% pomiędzy płynne aktywa gotowe do wypłaty w każdej chwili i zbywalne udziały w sieci.

  • Możliwość decydowania o kierunku danej sieci poprzez głosowanie swoją siłą głosu na osoby, które ją tworzą w sposób bezpośredni. To daje użytkownikom sieci większy głos w sprawach kluczowych i zwraca użytkownikom sieci władzę nad internetem, wyrywając go z rąk megakorporacji.

  • Każda łapka w górę jest decyzją o przekazaniu komuś pewnej kwoty i jakiegoś % udziałów w sieci, a nie tylko reakcją na post. Klikając więc "lubię to", automatycznie wspierasz autora, a nie tylko nabijasz ruch na platformie, która bogaci się jego kosztem.

  • Decentralizacja własności - sieć typu Blurt należy po części do wszystkich, więc nikt nie jest jej wyłącznym właścicielem. Są oczywiście więksi i mniejsi udziałowcy, jednak nikt nie może do końca powiedzieć, że sieć posiada.

Podsumowując, korzystając z Blurt, a nie z np. Facebooka czy Twittera, stajesz się współwłaścicielem, współtwórcą i decydentem sieci, a nie jej produktem. Zabezpieczasz swoje prawa do zarządzania każdym, nawet najmniejszym, komentarzem oraz partycypujesz w zyskach wynikających z rozwoju platformy, tak jakbyś był jej akcjonariuszem. Tak samo też wartość każdego twojego artykułu zamieszczonego w sieci rośnie wraz ze wzrostem wartości całej sieci.

Różnica polega więc na tym, czy chcesz stać się produktem sieci, czy też jej użytkownikiem i udziałowcem?

Tak więc, chociaż wiele jeszcze pracy czeka przed deweloperami Blurta, zanim będzie on w stanie dorównać obecnym standardom funkcjonalności, to warto już dziś zacząć z niego korzystać i przymykać oczy na te braki, ponieważ prawdziwa moc, jak to się mówi w motoryzacji, tkwi pod maską ;)

Tu z kolei mamy do czynienia z zaawansowaną technologią kryptograficzną, której możliwości nawet w 1% nie oddaje to, co obecnie możemy zobaczyć.

Zachęcam więc do niezrażania się i korzystania z sieci. Wszystkich, których nie interesuje los biernego internauty. Blurt to nowe horyzonty do odkrycia i uczestniczenie w rozwoju platformy od samego początku na pewno zaowocuje w przyszłości.

---- END----

Jeśli już jesteście po lekturze to teraz parę słów podsumowania.

Jak widzicie nowy koncept to polega an tym aby zamiast ciągle podkreślać ze chodzi o social media które płacą za treści, zacząć podkreślać że są to rozwiązania web3 i podkreślać zalety takie jak podpisywanie własności treści podobnie jak w NFT, brak cenzury, zdecentralizowaną naturę sieci i tak jak powyżej...

Generalnie w rozmowach z takimi osobami jak @drutter oraz @olusolaemmanuel czy też @team-mexico czy też na chacie polskiej społeczności na discord, doszliśmy do wniosku że reklama jedynie samego zarabiania przyciąga osoby które chcą drenować sieć a nie dokładać się do jej rozwoju.

Ponadto Ludzie tak na prawdę nie rozumieją o co w ogóle chodzi i jaka jest różnica między publikowaniem tu a np na twitterze. Za mało jest zrozumienia korzyści rozwiązań blurta.

Uważam więc że powinniśmy się razem zacząć kierować nieco inna filozofią promocji.

Zachęcam więc do dyskusji ale też do działania.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

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  ·  last year  ·  


Nice article where you highlight the good about Blurt platform. There is a problem in all this promotion work and it is simply that people are usually lazy, an ordinary user is not very interested in working on something centralized or decentralized, he will simply be where it is most comfortable to work. The problem is that compared to platforms like Facebook, and the like, Blurt is like a monster and the learning curve can be tedious.

Many people do not know how to use Mark Down, they prefer to use an application for their cell phone rather than a website and prefer a large number of visits rather than some money that they do not know how to use anyway (taking into account that he is a person not familiar with Crypto) for that and several reasons plus 1 average person when he sees everything he has to learn decides not to invest time in this.

And there is also the issue of visits, on platforms like TikTok with relative ease you can get millions of views, while here they surely only read you a few hundred having luck. I think that in this case it would be necessary to include some view counter in the publications in order for the platform to improve in this part and be more attractive for an average user.

A solution to call many more people is to try to make collaborations with influencers that people trust so that they are in charge of disseminating the information and can prepare it intuitively so that anyone can understand it and decide to get involved.

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

agree with everything you're saying; it's just that you're talking about the problems to solve, which await Blurt developers to lower the entry barrier to Blurt and make the learning curve shorter.

I'm talking about changing the strategy of how we persuade people who would be willing to endure the current difficulties to join us and join our network right now. And I see the solution in the conclusions I've reached:

That people, even if they are enthusiast who can do that, don't really see a reason why they should deal with these difficulties because we don't clearly outline the differences between what they experience in the current system, where logging in is just two clicks with 'join with Google account'.
Financial incentives are no longer enough because most centralized platforms have introduced the ability to earn after meeting certain conditions.

Furthermore, the mere fact of large reach and the potential to reach a broad audience is an opportunity to generate much, much more money for creative individuals than Blurt will probably ever be able to offer through rewards.

People, seeing our platform as a place with marginal reach and poor earning prospects, simultaneously not understanding the difference between the Blurt network and an ordinary blog or a minor forum.

The key, in my opinion, is to provide as clear an explanation as possible of these differences and why this is a future-proof, decentralized solution that is better for every user in the long run.

What you're writing about is indeed the key to broader adoption, but as I mentioned at the beginning, we need enthusiasts and passionate supporters of this technology who will finance the implementation of these improvements and promote Blurt through word of mouth.

Without them, there's no point in talking about development for broader adoption because currently, we find ourselves in a closed loop where the funds for development are dwindling, and the lack of development discourages enthusiasts: unfortunately, it's a downhill slope.

So, you're right that we also need to reach influential people, but precisely with these people, we need to reach them through arguments that go beyond slogans like 'earn on content' or 'your voice matters.'

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  last year  ·  

I strongly feel that for users to come we also have to look at the content. Especially poor AI generated content which is spoiling the feeds. Why would you want to publish in a sea of generic non original content?

I am invested in and believer in Blurt but some of the blatant lazy AI generated content maddens me. At one point I commented on a top twenty witness who was creating posts with it.

More users is the key but more users who will add value and not just copy paste content for rewards 👍

  ·  last year  ·  

You know what, there is one problem with this quality of content. We don't want it to turn into fascism like on Hive where "low/high effort content" slogan is like a religion ;P Blurt should be useful to users for which they are willing to pay. if they want to pay for posting AI images, that's cool... I think there should be frontends that allow separating low-quality social media entries from high-quality blog entries.

But, for example, yesterday @dotevo in the Polish chat on discord said that he misses a situation like on the Polish platform wykop (something like Polish reddit) where he comes in asking questions and there are people willing to help him... i.e. such forum functionality...

Others lack groups (which is currently already done to a very advanced degree in the community project)

Our platform differs from hibe, for example, in that posting is subject to a certain micro fee, which means that no matter who posts what, they still pay for brandwitch :)

the problem is to work on the way of presenting the content. For example, on blurtlatam.com it is better done...

  ·  last year  ·  

I agree and don't propose that we arbitrarily start to judge content. One of the freedoms is to post what we want but at the same time. We know what content I mean. Random drivel from ChatGPT

I prefer my content human generated even if that ends up being shit 😀

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

And I agree. I actually believe that there is huge potential in the crypto world to create a service that involves signing content with an additional digital key made by a human certificate :). Something like a reverse captcha :D.

I believe that this was one of the things that we could sell on Blurt as a product. @saboin, what do you think? Is it possible to create some kind of modification in the blockchain?

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  last year  ·  

...and when people see that @blurbooster, et al are SUPPORTING THIS IDIOCY - it looks more like a cabal of centralized users being paid to imitate activity, to make more blurt, to then go to the cabal. (50% curation for nothing)

I.e - it looks like a ponzi

What people on here fail to realize, is that not everyone is as stupid as they are.
The mind boggles.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  last year  ·  

It would be helpful if AI stuff was not upvotted by blurtbooster. I am not a big fan of the UBI nature of that bot. I know it votes proportional to word count/images and that is easily gamed and this gaming can be seen but many users

  ·  last year  ·  

....their 'cleverness' is seen by those outside of the crytosphere, as nothing but stupidity, greed, manipulation, and very ponzi-esque in nature.
(and not far from the truth, perhaps)

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  last year  ·  

If AI generated content is being posted, it's because there is an incentive for it.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  last year  ·  

It is being posted and the incentive is to gain votes from blurt booster and people who don't realise it is what it is.

  ·  last year  ·  




  ·  last year  ·  

Sorry matey, but you are starting to sound like second hand car salesman. (doing you no favors, imo)

'Your not buying a token, that's not the product - honest. You're buying into a whole lifestyle'...

You are correct on a need of changing philosophies.
Just not the one you think, perhaps ?

Generally, in conversations with people such as @drutter and @olusolaemmanuel or @team-mexico or in the Polish community chat on Discord, we came to the conclusion that advertising is the only way to earn money and attracts people who want to drain the network and not contribute to its development.

Or, to put it another way....

....we came to the conclusion that advertising on web 2.0 using free market principles and not the collectivist, socialist DPOS model ,is the only way to sell a collectivist, authoritarian, DPoS model.

...earn money and attracts people who want to drain the network and not contribute to its development.

Socialist models never develop into 'better', they only ever degrade.
It's a feature, not a bug.

You are free to contribute to the website I'm making, where blurt and DPoS will definitely have some free advertising (the free market, way).
(a real profit share system , based on co-operatives, and not 'race to the bottom', collectivism!)

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  last year  ·  


Hi @khrom, great news! Your content was selected by curators @nalexadre, @ten-years-before to receive a special curation from BeBlurt 🎉 Don't hesitate to upvote this comment as the curators will receive 80% of the rewards for their involvement.

You can support us by voting for our witness, our decentralized funding proposal, or through delegation. You're also welcome to join our Discord server 👉 https://discord.beblurt.com

*For a delegation of 45,000 BLURT 👉 https://beblurt.com/mydelegation/@beblurt

BeBlurt (Blurt frontend) 👉 https://beblurt.com
on IOS/Android 👉 https://beblurt.com/s/aMGBrg