Greetings from that homeless blogger! :)
Hi Blurt community, as some of you might know, these days I am kind of a homeless blogger after I left STEEM, being not really happy with HIVE and having no real idea about BLURT ...
It's nice to see the prices of one's assets like BTC and ADA grow but I am somewhat missing the opportunity to express my ideas and thoughts, show you my photos and write about my 'adventures'.
That's why I am investigating the different options and opportunities. There might arise a social network on the Cardano platform in the not so far future, and that IOTA based Society 2 messenger looks interesting as well.
Some interesting developments on Blurt
However, we are here on Blurt, so lets write about Blurt. :)
Even if I am a sceptic by nature ... I noticed and have to respect the big enthusiam of the 'Blurt team' and some German users like @afrog, @michelangelo3, @reiseamateur and many others who took the chance to try to build something completely new and - yes - promising.
For example I really like new ideas like the suggestion of @rycharde of two separated rewards pools (one for posters the other one for passive investors). I also might take part in the Raspberry Pi adventure, and already accumulated about 100k Blurt beeing ready to be sent to my account and powered up, if time has come (so that at least I am not a Blurt minnow anymore).
To learn more about the new developments in Blurt, recently I had some talks with @afrog (who never gave up trying to convince me of Blurt), but also with @rycharde and @jacobgadikian who patiently and friendly answered all my questions.
Here now some of my questions:
As I didn't stop asking @jacobgadikian suggested me to write this post, so that not only I myself but also all other Blurt users were able to read and benefit from his answers. But if given this opportunity, of course I will add some other questions, too! :)
So here we go:
@jacobgadikian told me there would be not only one or two but "500" different Blurt blockchains in future, and I asked him what the advantage would be of having several blockchains compared to using just one, and if they (the blockchains) will all support/transfer different currencies (token) ....? In that case I would wonder if they could gain popularity as easy as one single, but well known coin/blockchain can?
As I am now here asking, furthermore I would like to know if "Blurt 2" will just be called "Blurt 2" or which name is envisaged for the new token(s) and chain(s)?
My suggestion for a new social network ould be "Colony" (bee HIVE and ant Colony, you know ...). :-) -
Please, tell me something (as much as possible!) about the advantages of the Cosmos protocol. Is it as good as Polkadot? :)
What will be especially the advantages of "Blurt 2" compared to "Blurt 1"? Security 'only' to be separated from the influence of the HIVE witnesses? Some other advantages, please? :) What about transaction speed and possible fees? Could dapps like Splinterlands run on "Blurt 2"? What about video applications? -
Will there still be a five minutes 'curation window' after which curators will earn less curation rewards? Or are author rewards and curation curve completely linear now? Even if I am not a fan of the completely linear curve, I don't mind it much as long as ideas aginst the profitability of self-voting (like for example the 'two-rewards-pool-idea of @rycharde) will be implemented. However, I don't like the five minutes curation window which favours automated voting (as I explained for example here) and hope Blurt will get rid of it (or already removed it?).
How far has Blurt progressed concerning implementing ideas like 'diminishing returns' when upvoting the same accounts again and again by using something similar for example to "Voting CSI" of SteemWorld?
These days I was in favour of committees who decide about the justification of flags.
Is it correct that instead of that in Blurt witnesses will create kind of a blacklist to decide which users are eligible to earn posting/curation rewards and which aren't? -
I wonder what will happen to "Blurt 1" after "Blurt 2" is running? I personally like to see all my posts at one single place (I know @afrog, I know, you disagree here), and hesitate to start writing here a lot, if anyway soon everybody will move (again) to Blurt 2. I feel that as soon as Blurt 2 is released successfully there is no real reason anymore to keep Blurt 1 running. In case I would like Blurt 2 I also would consider to post my old STEEM and HIVE posts there again.
Last but not least: who will be (why) eligible for the mysterious planned airdrop? If that question is forbidden, then just be it.
The 5-mins curation period is only good for bots on steem/hive because of the extreme curation-curve. On Blurt, the experience is almost linear for most people, so curation will always be about 50% of your vote. Just don't vote before 5 mins!
There are thus no curation-chasing-bots on Blurt. If there are, then the user doesn't know what they are doing.
It is possible to design a curation-curve that is gentler than the original and still retains a small boost for early voters - but in that case some counter-curve, like the 5-minute-warning, will be needed else we're back to bunched up auto-voters.
Editing of this post cost me 3 Blurt!
Would it be possible (and reasonable) to vary fees depending on the kind of transaction? For example in a way that posting would cost more (to prevent spam), editing less ...?
I think most of the time spammers wouldn't edit their posts, and someone who edits has paid fees anyway already when posting ...
Not at this time
And you've got more than 250 for the article and more than 150 for this reply. Wasn't it worth an invest of 3 BLURT?
That's not the point:
There is no guarantee to receive upvotes. I only get them because I am so unbelievable popular. :)
Think at the unknown newbies ...
Imagine a higher Blurt price in future: then three full Blurt just to edit some spelling errors is quite a lot ...
All these disadvantages are well known but in times we are under spam attacks, high fee means low attacks. We should not discuss a lot about fees because it's just a temporary problem. You know the setup will be changed. And if you imagine a higher BLURT price in future you should know the witnesses can set the fee according to the price as well.
It does not mean we should not discuss about fees at all, this just means that nothing on this chain is meant to be forever. We are under development and today fees are to understand as an act of defence. Now defence has a higher priority than unknown newbies.
Right in general, but as defence against spammers not every kind of fee has the same importance: if you prevent spammers from posting it's not necessary for example to take a fee also for claiming rewards (who doesn't post has no rewards anyway) ...
I agree that the fee problem is nothing very urgent or essential for now.
I do not think that fees are a problem, at all.
In a more ideal setup, you'd only be charged for the delta when editing, but we're surely not perfect yet.
I would like a combination of fee increases and price appreciation to lead to posts that cost $1.
Nothing good is free.
Hallo @jaki01
Schön was von Dir zu lesen
Ich könnte mir vorstellen , das alte Post die auf Steem und hive sind, auf blurt mitzunehmen und was ab Zeitpunkt X ist nur noch auf Blurt zusehen ist Inwiefern das machbar ist weiß ich nicht.
Anderseits verstehe ich auch das Konkurrenzdenken der verschiedenen Plattformen.
Mein Rat an die Verantwortlichen wäre sich auf die Wünsche derjenigen Blogger die Zweifels ohne einen großen Mehrwert für die Plattform bringen einzugehen .
Ich hätte auch noch einen kleinen Wunsch sollte noch mal aus welchen Gründen auch immer ein Frontand abgeschaltet sein wäre es schön eine kleine Info zu haben
@jacobgadikan @megadrive @afrog
PS. Für alle die es interessiert warum nicht in Englisch weil ich es nicht kann und den translator nicht traue
Google Translator mit Kontrolle
Du kannst mit dem Google Translator Fremdsprachen schreiben, ohne überhaupt eine Ahnung von einer Sprache zu haben. Ich schreibe damit z. B. spanisch und mir wurde mehrfach ein gutes Spanisch attestiert. Das habe ich nie gelernt. Mit Englisch geht das so:
Öffne zwei Fenster (F1, F2), bzw. Tabs mit dem G-Translator. In F1 richte die Übersetzung de-en ein und in F2 en-de. Jetzt schreibst du die Originalfassung in F1-de, kopierst die Übersetzung in F2-en um anschließend die Übersetzung in F2-de zu kontrollieren. Dort siehst du, welche Formulierungen aus F1-de falsch übersetzt wurden, änderst sie (Ausdruck, Grammatik, Wortwahl, Rechtschreibfehler) dort so oft und wiederholst die Kontrolle, bis am Ende in F2-de sinngemäß das Gleiche heraus kommt, wie es in F1-de steht.
Auf diese Weise kannst du sogar koreanisch, chinesisch und japanisch schreiben. Schicke mir doch einfach mal diesen Text in korrektem Russisch! Das kannst du jetzt nämlich auch!
How to make perfect translations
Das Problem ist, dass diese Ausfälle ja keine kontrollierten Abschaltungen, sondern Attacken, bzw. Fehler sind, die man schlecht ankündigen kann. Die Kette hat zur Zeit 5 Frontends, die wir im Notfall alle selbstständig durchprobieren müssen. Denke bitte noch mal kurz darüber nach, was du da eigentlich forderst. Du willst eine Info auf einem Frontend sehen, das nicht funktioniert. Oder du willst die Warnung auf dem Frontend sehen, von dem du mittlerweile herausgefunden hast, dass es noch funktioniert. Deine Forderung klingt auf den ersten Blick noch ganz normal. Aber genauer betrachtet, wünschst du dir was Unmögliches, bzw. Unnötiges.
Ok da habe ich mich etwas schlecht ausgedrückt es gibt doch auch andere Möglichkeiten vielleicht tweety, fratcebook oder was auch immer das man weis wenn was los ist kann man es da nachlesen
Die vielen Frontend sind ja schön aber immer wieder neues Vertrauen schenken , (Krug und Brunnen)
Aber ok man kann nicht alles haben .
Übrigens der google Übersetzer gefällt mir aber dein Text war im etwas zu lange er behauptet das es mehr wie 3900 Zeichen seihen😳 also zu viele darauf habe ich den Text halbiert und siehe da es hat geschnackelt auf dem iPad habe ich die Texte nebeneinander gelegt und beim ersten übersetzen hat es sich schon gut angehört
Danke @afrog das Du mir etwas unter die Arme greifst und dir die Mühe machst, das ist auch der Punkt der mich aufi dem Steem ein Konto eröffnen lies, einfach ein gutes Miteinander.
Some time has passed.
I put my reply here:
That comment has been deleted.