I have decided that the best possible choice here is to leave my witness down permanently, and instruct users to vote for @double-u.
He does not always agree with megadrive, and if he learns to manage these disagreements productively, he will bring great things to blurt.
The first thing that both of them need to stop doing is making somewhat hysterical claims about one another.
@double-u please propose the great things you can bring to Blurt, if the ideas are good I would be happy to help you make then happen.
Table talk is best way i think .
but your activation give us good motivation ;)
When you see the roof of your house coming tumbling down on you, that's a good motivation to start running. What GOOD motivation do you see here?
What you have problem to me ?
I have no problem with you! Language barrier here, sorry for interfering.
Can you provide an example of the great things you think he will bring to Blurt?
Activity, Community, a stick together to grow together.
Instead of punishing others, to play with fears of others, with the withdrawal of the accounts threaten like you DID and still do !!!
He m,ade more Activity on this chain as you do, he is a diffrent kind of Leader, You need to see there is more than only a new DAPP or something...
See this Community we started to bring Streamers on this Plattform, till the moment you decided to Stop the Witness Votes to us so we wasnt able to support much anymore, You dropped the Votes to the BLURTLIVE Witness without Reason without any left a word , only because i was a Active member in his PUB, so now tell me what you have really DONE for BLURT???
in my Oopinion is it you which made all this crashes happen it was YOUR Decision and in here i cant see a positive way you want to go, you hopped in this POST to show instantly you arent agree with the Decision of Jacob!
So i think he will do a lot of good things for the BLURT Plattform, you should start thinking out of your small BOX !!!!
When he has done for blurt is probably thousands of hours of work, completely independent of myself, making sure that the platform actually runs. I don't want anybody to ever lose sight of that. It's real.
we never said he didnt done things, but he did a lot of foolish activities and selfish ones as well... thats a diffrence
hehe yes that´s right 100%
But maybe he will take this someday in account when running again against all other who will change things for the better ;)