RE: Some thoughts on the blurt foundation and curation initiatives.

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Some thoughts on the blurt foundation and curation initiatives.

in blurt •  4 years ago 

I think that the most important blurt posts I've ever made are in this thread:

It contains a long-term plan for both blurt and the blurt Foundation funds, known as the shart.

It gives absolute clarity for plans that @megadrive and I have discussed.

Now let's get to your error because it is significant. Amazon started off with hundreds of thousands of mid nineties dollars. Equivalent to millions of today dollars I'd say.

Additionally, look at who amazon is (and Google even) and who their actual backers are. But I digress.

Back to my point, the shart has a total real value of the sum of our buy side order books.

(if we chose to dump the shart realized value would be quite low since there are buy positions at much lower than current market price)

Thing is we have no intention of dumping the shart.

The life cycle of a set up like blurt tends to be like:

  • Establishment
  • Initial listings
  • Growth
  • Widespread listings
  • Moon
  • Dump on retail

Finally, that cycle is repeated as many times as possible until the initial team and investors have achieved their desired financial outcomes-- often until the price of the network token drops to near zero.

We intend for the network lifecycle to look like:

  • Establishment
  • Initial listings (we are here)
  • Growth
  • Widespread listings
  • Continued growth by launching topic and language centric front end interfaces

Look at stinc. Stinc used a strategy of sell 800k every month no matter what. Well, we are much leaner than stinc because we run on metal, not aws. We use a scaling design that I made for stinc in 2016 which was rejected by @sneak but seems to work very well. We are well positioned to grow the user base while having server costs far lower than stinc.

We do not spend money on silly things. There are no offices. There is no company. I was the only investor for a long time, and due to the strength of our relationship and success working together, @megadrive offered to share the invested sum ($5000) and I accepted that, making us equal partners. When I did this I made a choice not to take a risk premium because of the strength of our relationship. Adjusted for risk premium probably at that time (maybe a month ago) the match sum likely would have been more like $30k+.

But who cares?

I don't.

He is the best partner I've had, so when he wants to even the investment total and it's a bit late and I have to sacrifice risk premium to ensure I'm 50/50 with the best of the best, I feel delight, not loss.


There are no strings.


Community - the community is paramount and their needs drive choices made by the shart and the team.

@megadrive and I are the shart. We have total control because we funded this thing ourselves, risking time and our family's money. Funds in the shart are sometimes referred to as the foundation, but there is no foundation except conceptually. There is @megadrive and I directing the shart.

Team:. The team is paid salaries from the shart.

Megadrive and I are paid 200k a month by it.
Various others (they can say who they are or not and I love them all) are paid for part time work by the shart.

Yes, amounts would change if we mooned to a buck. To see our accounting records, look at the account @initblurt

Funds that have flowed to exchanges have gone there for market making and paying for additional exchange listings and not for any other reason.

Soon initblurt will divest to an account, @shart and that account will need some kind of profile pic and I challenge our community to make a profile pic suitable for a shart.

Blurt loves you!

You were right about everything except your Amazon comparison. We do not have nearly as much cash as early amazon, in fact we have none.

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