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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you @jacobgadikian I really appreciate your love and support and your sympathy of my medical predicament I just hope that I can be able to improve my life more and because of you and blurt I can inch towards my goal and reach it. It has been a long fight but I can do it.

I had an appendectomy last January and it is more invasive than a partial Parathyroidectomy even though the latter has a complication while being done and yet my Appendectomy went well, I healed well and actually the surgeon got impressed in how well I healed fast.

So I guess that I can do the Parathyroidectomy so that finally I can get rid of Cinacalcet which had made my quality of life bad in terms of suffering from its side-effect of appetiteloss. I just want to live a life free of pain and at the same time feel normal even though I can never get back my appearance or what happened to my face and backbone.

The goal is to stop the damage and start the healing process without the use of Cinacalcet. May God bless you Sir and all my friends here in #blurt and from other platform, you had been the color of my life. Life indeed is still beautiful because of you all.

get well soon brother , I pray for you and thanks for attending the Saturday night yesterday.

Get well soon and become strong day by day.

we all are with you 😊

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

Yes Thank you @kamranrkploy you guys are all friendly and supportive and it was fun in the discord, may God bless you all :)

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

if blurt is listed on binance, itll go ballistic for a while, then settle higher than now. we must be ready for that moment. noblurtcoiners want to not miss out. did forward the call to action to a few who may have followed up.

First of all I don't think we should actually spam anyone.

Secondly I seriously have no freaking clue what the price of blurt will do on any given day

If I ever act like I do, please know that is just my severe intermittent retardation acting up.

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

actually cz specifically requests and authorizes to spam / shill for a coin on a particular tweet on his account (see the images in the post) and while not spam his other tweets

I wanted a kind of a high price but hey I think today's high price is tomorrow's low price.

you are right but price ll increase , Insha Allah...😊

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

@jacobgadikian, I'm sure you've seen my comments on the previous post, seeking to understand the current diagnosis and, perhaps as important, to understand the expected prognosis after the sought-after parathyroidectomy.

Sadly, haven't seen anybody else chip in with any medical knowledge or research. Oh well.

I'm not sure if "finding a doctor" is the key issue - I think there are surgeons able and willing to do the op. @cryptopie looks in no condition to travel great distances, so will have to be in the Philippines. What I was seeking to discover is whether it is the only options. Given that the chemical solution has disastrous side-effects, it does appear that surgery holds the most promise.