Ionomy market report, goldenkoi, b2 Address association

in blurt •  4 years ago 


Hey guys so lately I have been carefully monitoring the ionomy market.

I'm pleased to report that we are fewer than 200,000 blurt away from a price of 100 satoshis.

demand on the buy side is increasing a great deal, while the sell side is beginning to look depleted.


It seems that there is some strange new buyer, @goldenkoi.

What is their story? Who could they be?

One thing is for sure, they are gobbling up blurt, and the transactions all seem to contain a heart for some reason or another.


address association for B2

We are going to need to do another mass round of messages on steem.

@megadrive @eastmael @justyy

This one is important because we need to start associating while at addresses so that we can run better and better test nets for B2.

I really don't want to stay in the testnet stage for B2 very long. To hope this along, my main development focus is going to be infrastructural. I want to make it really easy for raspberry pies to join the network, ensure that there are healthy fees in place, and make sure that the chain can upgrade smoothly using the upgrade module.

As @afrog has reported, we will need about 200 raspberry pis for really really testing the B2 network.

More stuff pending later today.



I know the current state of the image is killing you and also I know that I'm behind on delivery with the B1 image.

It will get there.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

address association for B2
We are going to need to do another mass round of messages on steem.

For the mass messages to steem accounts, I think the one who took charge here was @ilnegro. Perhaps we can re-use his script if I got your instruction right.

Maybe we just ask him then :).

Thought it was you, that's all :)


  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

@jacobgadikian, @megadrive saw me as a working witness on his control board today (have a look in Discord pls.). Ricardo gave me a notice, that my witness has been for longer than 5 hrs. off the net. In fact, this is a pure successs. But I just swiched Raspi off because I did'nt know that it's an active witness already. I made no cli-config without issues at all.

You (developer) and me (Crash Test Dummy), we have to have a much better exchange of knowledge about the builds. I have to know exactly, what every new build is doing. You are automating more and more steps of user configuration. But I don't know what steps you have done before. So I can screw up the whole startup with unnessecary manual configurations. You (mover in Hanoi) and me (dreamer in Hanau), this results in fusion of a mess. We waste time in to work on a fuzzy style.

Well I mean I can start keeping a change log....

But within a year or two I would like the git repository to live on the blockchain

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

No. Now all is packed. Just cli_wallet is left. Now it's clear,


Please know that sometime between March and June, there will come a date at which it is no longer possible to associate a B2 address with a b1 account. as our faithful emissary to the steem community, I humbly request that you make people aware of this.

Thank you

While the procedure is not ready, I definitely want it in people's minds.

I just wrote a post on Hive (my first post there in over 6 months) to let those who were part of my community there know. I also wrote a post here urging others to go there (or Steem if they still interact there) to also go let their communities know. Thanks for writing this comment. I wouldn't have had a sense of urgency to reach out on Hive, as I really never saw myself posting there again. But how much richer the community will be if some claim their accounts here and stay. And if not, let them cash out and drive the market down for those who do come and can claim a larger stake from their cashing out.

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

If I may ask...

it is no longer possible to associate a B2 address with a b1 account

Does this mean that the import of accounts from B1 to B2 will be selective?

sorry to barge into this comment

If no action is taken no airdrop will occur. no action meams no airdrop.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

That explains why Blurt is up 50% in my blockfolio. I thought that was an error. Good to hear that we have a new big buyers.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

so many things are happening all at the same time... I just checked on my wallet and as of this moment blurt is at 0.019 which is great news, hopefully, gets better... with your determination blurt 2 won't be too far, and let'sblurt is also doing well... I guess January is a great start

In fact it's a very challenging situation but yeah I can't complain.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Yesterday the transactions in Ionomy went up quickly, I could tell that they were waiting a few hours to buy again. Therefore, the buyer assured a price. Let's hope that Blurt's price can be more attractive in a short term

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

That's why blurt increased by 55%, keep going waiting for the B2.