Finally, some boobs!

in blurt •  4 years ago  (edited)

Hi so something happened today that caused us to discuss policies on nudity and adult content on blurt. First of all I want to go through some constraints:

  • I wouldn't be comfortable adding a nudity filter to image uploads, that is a blunt instrument.

  • Blurt is very hard to censor, and getting harder to censor

  • We rely on the nsfw tag to keep blurt family friendly

  • @megadrive and I don't want porn on the main interfaces unless the user has the nsfw option on

  • @megadrive and I already have a porn policy: it doesn't interest us, but we won't stop others from doing it. Blurt is an open platform and all types of entrepeneurs-- and folks simply seeking a sexual kick, are welcome, provided that they use the nsfw tag. I feel that blurt could offer a better deal to creators of sexual content than current platforms like pornhub.

  • Humorous example scenario: maybe some dudes who really love cock, like our cock spammer, wish to make an incentivized dick pic platform with blurt as the incentive. For me, long as those posts are tagged so that the main interface can remain family friendly, I am 1000% okay with this. Some dudes and many women love dick. If blurt let's then have a happy feeling appreciating cock, and that cock doesn't spurt all over the front page, it's fine.

  • We do not want blurt to be a porn site. If someone uses blurt to build a porn site, we are okay with that, blurt is infrastructure. I'd even help them with the tech. But not with the porn, if that makes sense.

I am also tagging people who have been buying blurt AND contributing to the platform in an outsized manner. Anyone is free / encouraged to comment.

the boobs

a butt

the nsfw tag

Jacob's opinion:

No need for nsfw tag
Non-sexual boobs are fine, and do not need to be tagged nsfw. A discord user mentioned that we have young users. I'm okay with my kids seeing non-sexual boobs and non-sexual butts. Even man bits or lady bits if not sexual... And where that line is drawn, is in different places for different people, different families, different religions.

I used the example of nude painting and photography. Hey face it us humans are awesome nekked. That's why there are so many nekked paintings and photos.

BTW this is a judgement call and I think we can make an easy policy for blurt like: both genders can show their chests without tagging it nsfw.

But if them boobs are being played with that's nsfw.

So basically I am okay with all of the content above, without the nsfw tag.

Need for nsfw tag

Sexual content, photos of cocks, photos of pussies, stuff that is blatantly sexual and you simply wouldn't want an 8 year old to stumble across while browsing from their parents blurt account.

please discuss

all right so I have given my point of view and I would really like to hear others point of view on this. A few users had a problem with the fact that the boob post tagged other users. I think it is quite benign and no problem. If we get all annoyed about boobs it's going to waste a lot of our time. By the way, I do not think that this discussion is a waste of time. I think that we should create a policy that allows us to rapidly determine what is and is not okay and rapidly apply that.

Also, because of the way that blurt works, if somebody were to come on here and post a bunch of NSFW content, without the NSFW tag, it would actually be little that we could initially do about it it sent that private front-end operators could choose to censor those accounts. I have no problem with private front-end operators censoring anything that they would like to on blurt. The front end is their property, after all.

Blurt the underlying blockchain is and always will be censorship free.


.....also anyone else who wants to weigh in on this.


I would like to thank the moderators who brought this up, as well as @wisdomcruise and @axeman for their contributions to blurt. Personally I think that all of their content is fine.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Blurt the underlying blockchain is and always will be censorship free.

Yeah I mean that's the key to it. You have a giant raid one array basically and people can display its contents in any way that they choose.

In this way,We don't need to worry much about offensive content.

Being a muslim and follower of Islam i would always try to stay away from these stuff as in islam it is considered as sin even to watch someone nude ( excluding wife and husband ) .

Coming to the other point of view , as blurt is a chain that has freedom to post people with different believes has the right to post accordingly.

So as @jacobgadikian said that as long as the nudity post is kept family friendly i.e obviously by using the NSFW tag i am also ok with it.

As we will be knowing after seeing that tag that the post contain nudity or 18+ content and after seeing that tag anyone who has problem with those content can simply ignore that post and interested people can watch it.

Again i hope blurt will take care of halal and haram for us.

Thank You

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

i agree with you brother.
i also understand between what is right and what is wrong

Blurt won't.

Blurt can't take care of halal and haram.


I think this part is really important, you can take care of halal and haram by running your own front end interfaces and applications that follow your standards / religion.

The last thing in the world that I would ever want is to cause someone to sin.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

We can make policies that nothing related to nudity come here,for those who are new on blurt

I don't think that can be done as nudity itself is defined in different way for different people. so i think nudity can be allowed but with NSWF tag and then one can ignore or Visit the Post.

Yes that can be done and that will be done but i don't think i ll do it particularly for muslims of India so NSFW tag is ok with me.
and after seeing that tag one has freedom to visit it or ignore it.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

i think @jacobgadikian or anyone else don't need to worry alot about this and nsfw should solve the problem.
also for a new comer who do not know about this tag what we can do is that we can create a post separately saying about the nsfw.

And then to the introductory post of every new comer we can add the post link thing about important tags of Blurt.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I don't know why there are people who are into porn, but I understand that not everyone gets the pleasure that actual touching brings. I am also in favor of keeping Blurt free from censorship. However, those who post nudity without the #nsfw, which can't be classified as art, should be able to be flagged. After all, there are enough sites for porn. I personally will not rate posts that post porn and naughty stuff.

I've got a sanction much harsher than flagging in mind. Flagging/downvote is petty.


  1. Your account can no longer earn rewards
  2. Your account can no longer post to blurt.

Just because we love freedom, that doesn't mean we need to tolerate idiocy.

In fact, I would argue that intolerance of idiocy is what will preserve our freedom.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I like your suggestion. Maybe then we can also prevent them from posting at all, though they'll probably stop posting if they don't get anything. I remember someone on Hive replying to comments from certain users with porn images. We should be able to sanction such spammers as well.

I'll just be clear I really don't mind porn on blurt.

It's just not something that I want to do myself.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Right, everyone can do what they want. I myself will not look at something like that. I already want to do it myself.😋 As I said above I will not support porn in the form of posts.I wish you a nice transition into 2021

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

maybe this is the one who tried to hack blurt
by the way, None of us should vote for such a post


You mean the person posting nudes?

I doubt it.

I know the attackers style by now, that's not it.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Sir i ll post something ...
Which is my perspective regarding this issue.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I agree with you, blurt is open chain, but I think user should use nsfw tag, like this

for the eg, if you visit any porn sites, there is asking "are you 18+", and some country has banned porn sites, also in India. " Reveal this post " like are you 18+ . we don't support porn post, but we also can't ban, we don't expose any porn content here. there all types of user, we don't want under 18 users see the porn content here, and everyone doesn't like it,

Just I'm not sure anything that's been posted so far qualifies as porn.

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

I mean nudity, we can't show nudity in public and openly. user should use NSFW tag for nudity, nsfw tag is cloth of nudity.

Nudity == what?

I just don't want another Facebook female nipple controversy that's all.

So what I'm saying is everybody's chest is okay below the waist that's nsfw.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

hahaha, nudity =

So if I'm not wearing a shirt am I naked?

What about a woman not wearing a shirt?

Is she naked?

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

we can go everywhere without wearing a shirt, but women can't go no, there is a different thing.

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

No, it is called a double standard. But then again, it's same with women wearing trousers, let's yet see a straight man wear a pink skirt... ( ok, I know some will do that just for shit and giggles, but I think comparison is the same). Personally I really don't care.

I guess what I'm saying is I don't really think anything that I linked to in my article, qualifies as porn. It's just nudity.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

ok, no problem, let's see others user are what saying about it.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

nudity = anatomy
porn = fucking

now understand my friend?
very simple difference

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Hey, a good post there,

That's a good decision to prefer users using the right tag (NSFW), every user can decide do they want to see this kind of content by enabling an NSFW option under the settings menu.

all the best.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  
  • Live and let live
  • There's nothing wrong in being considerate
  • Asking for permission before tagging will only increase the chance of being appreciated
  • Anyone has the right do whatever pleases them as long as it's not harming someone else physically or mentally.
  • One man's inspiration can be another man's disincentive
  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

The links you shared simply is nsfw. For reasons already mentioned by others here - i.e., zahid, surrealfia, etc. I upvoted their comments.

Thank you.

This is the core question I had.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Porn is a matter of joy for people in many countries, just as it is a matter of annoyance for us and Bangladesh. If everything is valid on the blogging site. I think it is better to write about anyone who writes about porn or posts pictures. Because people of all religions write here. Moreover, porn pictures also have an effect on children. So I think everyone has their own conscience.

For me, that's why I think that we need to get a Bangladeshi front end going.

That way, the BD community can censor as they choose to without changing the state of the chain.

Because you're totally right, everyone is going to differ on this matter.

Because of that it is probably best to have many front end interfaces and many different censorship policies. I don't have any problem with you starting a front-end interface, and censoring any content that you choose to censor. The front-end interface that you started, is your property, and you can show/hide whatever kind of content you would like to on it.

Also I actually agree with you, I think that on the whole, porn is harmful.

That's why I don't want any part in I don't want any part in doing porn on blurt.

Lastly it's really important to me that we don't clutter up our interfaces with porn.

If someone wants to buy

Tag all posts from there as porn, and do incentivized porn on blurt they'll enjoy my full (technology) support. It's another use for the infrastructure.

I'm not interested in joining their porn business though.

Make sense?

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

There is not much objection to porn posts here but it is very sad when all those porn posts are mentioned without anyone's permission.

What was posted today certainly was not porn.

Was just boobs, and a butt.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Soooo, when are the male models coming? Personally I do not care I come on these webs for any other content but that. People are waaaay too obsessed with anatomy, there are so many other more interesting things to do.

@jacobgadikian first i want to appreciate you for your warm and polite words about my recent nudity post, to be honest i wasn't really aware of the policy been made or how to censor a post but going through all you have said i would be glad to say i have learnt my lesson's and will follow the right tags when such post are been ever made, thank you also for your compliment about my good contents!

I am not even sure that your post is nsfw.

It's just boobs.

You mean interesting boobs😁😁 They look adorable, thanks for understanding, next time would do better😎

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

Personally, I tell you where the line is drawn should the Wittnees decide. Period

Hello, Jacob. I have a question you might be able to answer.
The entire number of Blurt, how many are in Blurt power and how many are directly tradable?

or where could I find statistics?


There is an api endpoint for that.

Tomorrow I let you know the query, it's late sorry.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you. No problem, no rush

I think this is an issue that could be solved at the frontend level.

The truth is there are people who are less informed about the use of proper tags, especially the"nsfw" tag. Not to mention, there are the ones who are doing it on purpose.

Also, upon reading one of your replies, I realized that it's the best solution for this case. A moderated Blurt frontend that's meant to be a "wholesome website" to navigate Blurt. It will definitely take time but it's going to be worth especially when we want to offer a website that is family friendly.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

IMHO, we can never go mainstream or attract investors if we cannot censor porn.

I'm super pro censorship of privately operated front ends.

I'm super pro censorship of privately operated front ends.

Porn actually attracts a lot of capital.

But decentralization attracts even more capital than p***

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Porn should be discouraged because it has a way of instigating People that are exposed to it, whether adult or under 18.

Since we don't operate like other platforms that flag such contents, users who wish to post them should use the recommended tags or be banned!

"like other platforms"

Like which other platforms?

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Steemit and weku do flag porn if the recommended tags are not used

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Are you onboard with MD statement that cursing is considered nsfw and should be tagged as such?

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

When I read this title, I scrolled down at the same time.😂😂😂😂😂😂

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

@jacobgadikian Personally I don't want porn, thanks that there is a proper tag, we have a freedom to choose not to view or visit those content, the thing is the new comer, the uninformed, and the one who intentionally wont use the nsfw tag Blurt is going to deal with.

The freedom you have and the responsibility for what you do with it are always problems that involve us in discussions that range from the legal to the philosophical. Personally, I do not usually forbid other people to express themselves unless they do so directly with the intention of harming me or other people who are not participating in their games.

In this sense, I believe that the use of the label is a solution that places the responsibility of indicating what their publication contains in the hands of content creators and can indicate a certain respect for blockchain participants who are not interested at that time in that kind of content. Then it is the responsibility and choice of each person to enter the publication or not.

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