Hello dearest blurt community, I need to inform you that there are some users who are discussing raising funds for some kind of bizarre lawsuit that is certain to fail or raising funds to try to lobby the FBI to enforce state modifications on blurt .
These users have described a number of cryptocurrencies and then encourage other users to email them, to get addresses. I would like to strongly recommend that you do not do that because in my view, it is merely a scam.
This is insane .
The FBI does not enforce state modifications on blockchains that's just like not in their purview. Furthermore, this would be the first lawsuit in the history of blockchain technology that would modify chain state arbitrarily. In fact, the entire thing that makes blockchains worthwhile is that arbitrary state changes to the database cannot happen. So what I'm trying to tell the wonderful and gentle user community here is that they should absolutely not be sending cryptocurrency to random blunt users claiming to be raising funds for a lawsuit. This is madness. There is absolutely no precedent in any jurisdiction that I am aware of for this type of suit, and I am most certain that the FBI is not interested in enforcing state modifications on blockchains.
Anyone dissatisfied with the distribution of blurt, is free to fork blurt. That fork would of course not be blurt but they are more than welcome to do so.
After that, they are welcome to handle the care and maintenance of their fork, on their own. I am not really sure how discourse came to be of so low quality but I really did feel that it was necessary to step in with a reality check. Basically if there are any individuals on the platform they would like to make some kind of a lawsuit or contact American law enforcement, I have absolutely no problem with this. You can feel free to do so. We have broken absolutely zero laws. I believe that the net effect of this would be harm to the individual making false reports of criminal activity or filing frivolous lawsuits, both of which are prohibited under US law.
Additionally, I believe that most jurisdictions on this beautiful bluish green planet prohibit false reports of criminal activity and filing frivolous lawsuits. It is possible that there are one or two countries on the planet, maybe South Sudan, or maybe North Korea, where there is not a lot of knowledge about blockchain technology, and maybe you could get such a tort suit into court. What you would need to do of course is find users in those places, who were harmed. You may actually be able to get other courts interested in your case but the outcome is going to be so hilarious, once they actually realize what is being requested because in general most people are not insane.
can you read or are you as retarded as megamouth? [-]
ajerkoff · yesterday
I am always wary of people that take funds via fundraising as then I would have to publish results of where the money is going all the time, so I am willing to take the burden of the costs solo.
Thank you kindly for the offer.
The alt front end suggestion by @jacobgadikian sounds like a better plan, maybe between yourself, @mariuszkarowski and myself we could come up with a new front end, even if it is only paying to get one made, I am willing if you two are?
@mariuszkarowski has my email address it is darrentomlinson1@hotmail.com, if you want we can do 3 way chats on there no problem at all.
Have a superb day ahead.
There have been a couple of other statements that haven't been true coming from this one.
The first is about megadrive that was pushed here by markymark.
I can't speak for the Steem part of this presentation, but based on the exaggeration on the Hive portion that was slanted to look like he was being reluctant to be honorable I feel it necessary to share what really happened straight from the horses mouth on Hive. Here is what the person who mega returned the funds to had to say on this matter.
I didn't know anything when I came to Blurt about megadrive. It was seeing this post by lordbutterfly and a few other comments that I don't have time to look for that made me feel more comfortable with him. I remember somewhere reading Lordbutterfly defending megadrive and saying that all of the hate mega was taking was bullshit, and all he had to do was ask and mega immediately made plans to turn the funds over without fuss. I invite everyone to strongly read the post I linked to, as one can see marky pushing an agenda many evidently have become familiar with.
Some of the recent criticism has merit, enough that I'm glad that he saw his way to backing off of his recent views once you and he spoke on the matter. Up to each of us to decide where we stand on that. But it would be a shame to allow a partial misrepresentation to add on to whatever misgivings and anger one might hold on this.
I also find it a bit of a contradiction that on one side he is being criticized for working with and accepting recommendations from Hive, but then information from Hive is suddenly something we must trust and take at face value if it's being used to smear him. Pick a lane on this shit already.
I also noticed in this post here
there was a misrepresentation made that his power was far less than the founding team.
The first reason this holds no merit is because he causally mentions in a comment that he could raise the price easily with 25K more buy in. And who knows how much he already might hold on the exchanges out of site.
But more importantly, the argument that
is disingenuous.
According to his stated position, those are the funds he wants "the community wink wink" to hold as belonging to the Dao. That would make it, in his argument, not available for voting by the foundation as it would be returned to the dao, leaving a loose coalition of former foundation members with personal stake to combat his in any form of proxy war over these funds he claims would somehow still be in the possession of the foundation yet not at the same time I guess because they were returned to the Dao.
I waited, watching to see if even one of his supporters would catch this most obvious contradiction in his presentation.
Nope, no one seemed to.
So to sum up what we've seen so far.
Lots of character assassination.
Threat of lawsuits.
Threat of criminal legal issues ranging from fraud to tax evasion.
A misleading math formula to make it seem ludicrous he could have ever gained control when in fact the very stake he claims would have stopped him were the same funds he demanded be stripped and placed into voting play.
Seeming indignation on Hive involvement by megadrive, yet finding no issues with his own involvement if the information seems to further crucify megadrive.
My radar went off immediately when he had no plan for infrastructure such as a secure front end, secure wallet etc. His repeated answer was that despite the members speaking loosely on this saying they would leave, the same ones he was insinuating have been committing fraud and other illegal activities would somehow still love being here. I also noted it was really strange that one would even suggest the continuance of involvement in any capacity those who one is asserting are committing so many crimes.
I'm astounded that I was about the only person noticing this deep flaw from the start. I can't really see how killing off the secure wallet and front end access was suddenly being whipped up into such a frenzy among many I consider smart enough to see that flaw. Especially when I was repeating myself several times on this.
I said from the start I would support a fork to solve this problem, and given your masterful handling of this, dissecting why there is no merit and he can feel free to fork, I still find myself supporting a fork in this case as well if he doesn't wish to be part of the community here unless he can be in control.
there is no foundation
the act of founding
an underlying base or support
a body or ground upon which something is built up or overlaid
I would say that it was an apt description for what they have done (founded), the support they have given as an underlying base that Blurt has been built upon.
You continue trying to limit the definition to meet what you consider to be supportive of your many allegations of criminal conduct.
since you received the delegation from Jacob, you're getting dumber everyday
Interesting. You came here 8 months ago and Jacob gave me the delegation 7 months ago. You upvoted me pretty frequently until this recent dynamic started and I asked valid questions that had no valid answers.
Why, one could say it almost looks like I got dumb in your eyes once I wouldn't back your position without question.
Ok, now I see, only the second part of my sentence is true. I hope this comment won't cause a massive quake on exchanges
please don' make a story
full discussion
They must be polite to, what if price will zero what they will do their stake
We must raise the price with working together #isupportblurtfoundation
Just so you know, flirt is designed to withstand disagreements. They can talk about anything that they would like to. The thing is, also I can talk about anything that I would like to. And today, the best thing to talk about is that it seems like they're running some kind of brand new scam
There isn’t a foundation?
? there is no Blurt Foundation
Ok i agree with you :)
Then make blurt great again with your team
you can make it great again too, just invest a couple of hundreds of thousands of dollars as I did and ask your team to do not sale "printed stake"
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Are you as deluded as megamouth? Can you prove what yo say? Over to you.
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Manually curated by Geeklania.
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