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Just wondering if you know about this error:

I'm not even sure who to report issues with the front end to so I thought I would post to you.

Yes, been on it for the past six hours.

Not fully fixed at this point, but @ericet and I had a call about it tonight.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

The picture shows us clearly the road map of blurt.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Interesting mind map to see the blurt infrastructure and how it progress.

actually, it's live.

Even responds to traffic.

Weave network + weave scope for vis

gives a totally flat network for container systems.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Interesting to see the actual "structure" that is the Blurt ecosystem! I am sure there will be many many things added as time progresses... but it is probably wise to have fully stable additional builds and taking things methodically, rather than trying to add too much, all at once. I am enjoying watching Blurt "take form!"