Blurt Propaganda Jam Session #001

in blurt •  4 years ago 

I was singing to my son and then he and I started singing and then I checked the sync process on my tiny little pi.

And it's done It's fully synced and it can probably easily be used as a witness now.

Guys if we want many many tiny nodes...

raise your fees

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what a creativity .
one question , are witness having power to raise fees ?

Yes, witnesses set a fee parameter.

Actually a few of them.

ok , i see. so will they be increasing the fees soon to fight spamming.
by the way i like your recitation.

Well in fact this is a component of blurt that we as the foundation very deliberately do not control.

This is a choice that we have delegated to the witnesses, and so in order to influence them, I must produce propaganda :)

Well at the end it all depends on the top WITNESS if they believe in increasing the fees or not. what i think that while increasing fees might not eliminate spamming it can definitely decrease it for sure.

Yeah that's exactly the thing, it was a very deliberate design decision to ensure that those parameters are sent by witnesses and not centrally by the chain and it was just a simple stroke of brilliance by @baabeetaa.

it sounds like decentralized feature of Blockchain is maintained in every aspect here.
well i already saw that you raised your fees and also account creation fees to 100 blurts.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

So funny... The song you are singing in Germany is named “Bruder Jakob 😉
Yes, I would appreciate higher fees since I hate spam! And there is a lot...

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

funny ;-)

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Haha, very cool, I think this is a very pleasant anthem to fight spam.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Very cool. I am going to start thinking about pi 🤔
Btw, where does the raised fee go to?

at present I think it goes into @initblurt or @socialgraph

after hard fork 3, it'll just get burned.

I also like to give you a little context behind the decision to collect fees as the foundation: at the time, we were suffering from a terrible cock attack from the social account. There were cocks everywhere! And we figure that it would be a greater disincentive, if posting paid the foundation.

In fact that was a very hurried implementation, and those transfers are not even proper transactions. It's hard to actually estimate the amount of income we have even received from fees.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Please don't burn the fees. Use it as a startup help, a present for new users. That would make much more sense than just burn it.

Well not sure about that man.

Let's start a debate though so this fellow @beerchemist is a huge fan of burning em.

Personally, I'm pretty convinced on the burning as well, because it reduces the total supply and therefore over time could increase the price.

But as always I'm open to ideas

At this step in different homes and locations in the world there may be a blurt node

Esta publicación ha recibido el voto de @blurthispano, una iniciativa dedicada a promover el contenido de calidad de la comunidad hispanohablante . Te invitamos a usar el tag #blurthispano. Nos puedes encontrar en Discord
Vota por nosotros como Testigo (Witness) en el siguiente enlace Testigo / Witness
blurthispano comentario.png

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

This was a great move on your part as I see the some comments here that some are not aware that witnesses have the authority to increase fees.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I never heard "Brother Jacob" sung by brother Jacob himself. Thank you for this extraordinary experience. Funny!
And thank you for your extraordinary work.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Laugh out loud!
It's a good thing, taking out time to have fun with your boy. It creates togetherness and unity. Kudos!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

great news for entrepreneurs

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

This was my reply in the Discord chat

Still not convinced high is better, whales can just post/comment and vote enough to cover the 1 blurt fee and still make 100x profit
Moore's law states that embedded device capacity will increase over time to match chain bloat,will%20pay%20less%20for%20them.
increase in fees should be fine, but in steps
i like gradual increments, like we went too crazy with 1 mil curation accounts and had to dial back to 500K

i'm fine if witnesses want to increase their fees in the meantime
I don't want to destroy engagements in comments due to fees being too high
If it costs 1 Blurt to comment you may never get enough votes to get it back
or get any votes on your comment at all

there is still room for fee increases from what they are now if people want
at 1 BLURT per tx the UX decreases dramatically, we will see users run out of funds to transact
and perform operations on chain etc

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

Fact is, we don't know, and moore's law is dead.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

wow. is it true? pi for witness node? i wanna try!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I have to admit that the annoying fees have helped to keep the more annoying spam out of BLURT. I'm personally torn between burning fees vs creating a development fund. Both have their use. Maybe burn 50% and send 50% to a fund.

Recently I got digging into BLURT statistics and I'm honestly impressed about how they turn out to be. I have becom an even bigger believer of BLURT after seeing those numbers. For comparison these are the numbers for HIVE:

I plan to write another article on STEEM statistics today. Spoiler: They are not doing that well except for Alexa Rank being ahead of everyone else.

I never knew you could sing so beautifully, so many talents here on the chain :-)