in blurt •  3 years ago 

Your old body forces you to carry the burden of life
Faint hoarse voice offers blessings
Sweat soaks the skinny body
Hope is engraved in every step

Wrinkles with time
White hair colored travel
body bent under the weight
The real struggle in life





The hot coals of the sun can't hold my feet
Footsteps tread the streets inside for sure
The old man left the pain
Walking sculpts a true struggle

Dust covers the robe in a dull
Black smoke is inhaled in the gloom
The stick on the shoulder is proof of a story
Will be excited to seek blessings

I don't know how much rupiah today you get
At least happy you get to eat
The old man takes shelter in the corner of the street
Counting fortune in drops of sincerity

Sincerely radiates from the face
Even though life is hard to spell
The sore shoulder doesn't feel
Breaking time holding the world

Twilight beautifully shows the face
Blushing orange in the refractive light
The old man moves on, continue the story
Gone and swallowed by the full moon

The old shadow disturbs the day
Clearly depicted in the eyelids
Wise eyes write history
Will the spirit that knows no age

You are the hero of life
Always glowing even though sometimes dim
You are the greatest father ever
Who fights for a family smile

This is the greatest gratitude journey
Among the complaints that are often implied
this is the greatest sincere lesson
From the steep story of the old man's journey

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