RE: Witness Talk - 29 Aug 2022 - My own views(Not team)

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Witness Talk - 29 Aug 2022 - My own views(Not team)

in blurt •  2 years ago 

Dan did make a negative post about MegaDrive and Blurt but then he still recieved some respect because he was critical and not trolling the team.

And Dan and Drutter and many others to this day criticise Blurt and show us the issues and mistakes on the platform and the team quickly takes their suggestions because they don't mock the team. They genuinely criticise and point out errors. Constructive criticism is always welcome.

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Dan actually got hated on by the team for a while regarding the hive posts. People seem to have short memories.

Posted from

But I don’t know what your talking about as lucylin is not my friend and I haven’t followed him for a while. I know his posts are annoying but just unfollow like I hve an leave him be. I cannot believe the effect he is having on supposed adults. Is everyone’s ego rly that fragile? They can’t just ignore a few negative posts from one user.

Posted from

I was talking about Lucylin...

It's not about a few negative posts. It's about the lies he spreads and trying to mock people and discredit their work.

So why do you assume he is my friend? I’ve specifically stood up for you against him and I gave you the word defamation. I also unfollowed him and completely ignore him. Why are you saying he is my friend? I don’t support what he’s doing but I don’t support the way you guys are reacting to it eitheither.

Posted from

Thank you for standing up for me.