Oscar Winning Movie Review - Parasite (2019)

in blurt •  last year 


Greetings to the Everyone!

Welcome to my blog today I am going to share with you a review of the Korean drama thriller film Parasite [ Original title: Gisaengchung ]. The film explores the difference between the rich and the poor, revealing the consequences of economic inequality. There is a lot of suspense in the film.

Movie Summary

The film starts with Kim's family, who live in poverty and live in an apartment basement and struggle to make money. Their lives take a turn when the son, Ki-woo gets an opportunity to tutor the daughter of the wealthy Park family by his friend. Ki-woo start his tutoring under a fake name and certificate made by his sister.


When Ki-woo started tutoring Park's daughter he saw Park's son. Park's son is very naughty and makes some meaningless art. Ki-woo tells Park's wife that his son has a good sense of art he knows someone who can teach him better basically Ki-woo wants to make a job for his sister he also tells her fees will be higher. Ki-woo introduces his sister Ki Jung under a fake name.

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After Ki Jung enters in Park family she tells Park's wife that her son has some psychological issue and she can fix it. That's how Ki Jung wants to permanent her job.After that Kim's family wanted to permanent their job in Park family so they made a plan to out Park family driver and housekeeper. And use the park family as a business for their house member.

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After the success of getting jobs in the Park family whole Kim family was very excited they thought that they were going to be rich using the Park family. One day park family went out to celebrate their son's birthday. The Kim family uses park house as their own house. At that time old housekeeper comes and Then this film takes a twist.

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About this twist I will tell you in short that Kim family knows about a hidden room where old housekeeper hides her husband after that the old housekeeper knows that Kim family is a fraud family and they had fight and old housekeeper died. At that time park family came back to the house and Kim family hide except Kim's wife because she is the housekeeper of this home. In the last park family had a party in their house and at that time old housekeeper's husband killed Ki Jung and everyone knew about Kim family fraud.

My Review

This flim is a well-written and well-performed film. I felt connected and engaged with the character throughout in the film. A popular topic of the class struggled well describe. It's a great story film great to see this film having worldwide success and win Oscare award.

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Hope you will enjoying watching this movie.

Photo1 Photo2 Oscare award Photo
Others are screenshoot from my laptop.

DirectorBong Joon Ho
WritersBong Joon HoHan, Jin-won
IMDb Rating8.5/10

It's my first time writing a review blog of a movie so let me know what you think about it in the comment.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. Hope you like it.
See you around!

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