There is an error that occurs when I try to delegate blurt from this account to the new account on Blurt Explorer. If I can't figure this out I will have to power down instead of delegating :(
Here is the error message: Unable to serialize transaction: operations: delegate_vesting_shares: vesting_shares: Invalid asset symbol: BLURT
It keeps saying I get the SYMBOL wrong. I leave it blank and it says wrong SYMBOL I put in BLURT and it says wrong SYMBOL I put in the word SYMBOL and it says wrong SYMBOL. I have no idea what is is talking about! I keep trying BLURT and it keeps saying wrong SYMBOL. O.k. then what is the right SYMBOL!?
Please help if you know what to do!! The internet is slow where I am at right now... maybe that's the problem. Will try at home soon.
Did you try the delegation function in your wallet?
Ya thanks! That will probably definitely work!!
I just posted this
Sorry for the delay!