Learning to be okay with yourself

in blurt •  3 years ago 

Hey all.

I'm wanting to post more but having issues of what to write about. I have got some ideas but the issue is whether people will like my ideas . Things I wish to discuss could be considered controversial. But maybe in time I will discuss these things.

Today I just post some selfies as I felt good about myself in them, which is often quite rare. I struggle a lot with my appearance, but I'm slowly learning to be okay with myself and how I look as so should you! Some days it's okay to feel good about yourself and remembering that is how nature wanted you to look like. A bad quality of mine is I compare myself to others and I'm trying to break this habit. It's just hard when you see skinny models with amazing bodies, hair etc. JUst know you are beautiful in your own way! :)




As always, take care!

Hannianne! :)

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