Years later no one wanted to adopt her, her appearance was completely different

in blurt •  last year 

Audrey Shook always wanted to adopt a child from China. The couple got pregnant after marrying her high school sweetheart, so they put the project on hold. Audrey Shook decided to become a mother nine years later after seeing a program about orphanages in China. Anna met Lucy, a six-year-old girl, after she and her husband, Brent, joined a foster program and decided to adopt her permanently. Don't miss this beautiful heartwarming story.

Audrey saw a video about Chinese orphanages two decades ago. She married her high school sweetheart, Brent, when she was just 21 years old. Audrey said, I knew in my heart that one day I was going to be that baby's family. Her preparations soon came to a screeching halt when she became pregnant with the first of their five biological children. Audrey, Brent and their five children currently reside in Woodland, Texas.
Her biological children are ages 18, 16 ..13, seven and five. They have considered adopting again after their third and fourth children. However, with Audrey's fourth pregnancy, the idea was once again on hold. On the other hand, Audrey remained adamant about her desire to adopt a child. Audrey and Brent were married nine years ago.
Despite their efforts, they heard nothing positive from the adoption agencies they contacted, but unbeknownst to them, that was about to change very soon. With Audrey and Brent's youngest child now in preschool, they decided now was the perfect time to bring up adoption plans. One more time.
They were contacted by email from China Adoption Agency Great Wall. Fortunately, the company offered the couple the opportunity to take care of the children as foster parents for four weeks.
Audrey and Brendan have been involved with the company for some time, and the timing of this offer was ideal. Audrey will be put to the ultimate test as she temporarily fosters a child and sees if she has what it takes to adopt them into a family. This was also a great opportunity for her to assess whether her children were ready for the idea of an adopted sibling. The family happily signed up for the program, but everything changed when they saw a photo of their future host child, Lucy. Her husband says it was in our hearts that we couldn't keep her here for a month and send her back, especially with how we felt about her.
She had Down syndrome. They decided to adopt her as an official member of the family. Audrey arrived at George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston, Texas in July 2015 with family and friends. Audrey asked her children, beaming, are you ready to finally meet Lucy?
They will finally be able to pick up the newest member of their family and bring her home. Lucy was one of dozens of children with special needs who arrived at the airport, and Audrey was overcome with emotion the moment she saw her baby daughter. Oh my God, she cried, tears welling up in her eyes. There is Lucy. She walked up to her and greeted a little girl.
Audrey introduced herself, my name is Mom, Mom, the girl immediately explained. Children with unique challenges like Lucy have a hard time finding homes. But it was for this reason that Audrey wanted to adopt her and love her even more. These are unwanted children. They are the children that no one wants.
They've spent their entire lives on waiting lists or in orphanages, Audrey explained. Audrey was initially concerned about how her five biological children would react to Lucy and wondered if they would get along. They welcomed the little girl into the family with open arms. To her surprise, Maggie, Audrey's youngest and whom Audrey cared about the most, was overjoyed to have a baby sister. Fortunately, the sisters became fast friends.
They both loved the movie Frozen and danced to its songs together. Audrey made sure the two were inseparable. Soon, something clicked in their hearts. They will always be sisters, she cried happily. Lucy's new neighbors welcomed her as warm and welcoming as her new family.
The adoption of Chinese children is so widespread in their community that the town hall holds celebrations to bring them all together. Because when she arrived, Lucy only spoke Mandarin. This was a huge help to Audrey and Brent. While teaching her English was essential, her parents were also aware of her heritage and wanted to connect her with her roots and culture. There are many ways to ensure that our culture remains a part of her life, Lucy's parents stated.
We want her to be a part of her legacy. Audrey and Brent, as usual, relied on their contacts in China to recruit new family members, and adoption agency Great Wall, China Adoption came to their rescue not once but twice. We jump forward a few years, and Shu is adopted from Lucy's childhood home
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