There is nothing impossible to do if you think... 💯🌿

in blurt •  2 years ago 

For the first time in Sri Lanka, a farming field grown in a sojan method. This cultivation was done in the field which has been over 45 years. It was clear that the reasons for the water not getting down well, the mix of the curry, the flooding, and the windburns were filled. Realizing those facts, I decided to plant it accordingly. This cultivation system is very successful at places like this through cultivation in countries like Malaysia, Thailand.
About 16 vegetables and fruits such as banana and papaya were side by side with squirrel fish cultivation, bee control, chicken controlled.
As a fish in the squirrel
catla fish
Is Rohu fish
Poultry control was also done in the belt floor method.
This cultivation cost us about ten lakhs. About eight lakhs of it were spent on labor and the rest was spent on sticks, ropes, seeds and chicken box creation etc.
This cultivation system can easily be done by anyone with passion and dedication to any farming.
The secret to the success of cultivation is the use of local agricultural chem methods and organic fertilizer.
According to this cultivation method, any tables can be cultivated in 3 months and cultivation can earn 1:4 clean income in 3 months.
Let's grow so that you and the country can be self-nourished and strengthen the economy in a short time.



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