The fastest family on earth

in blurt •  2 years ago 

Ethiopia's Dibaba Sisters...
Dibaba sisters from Ethiopia, the fastest family on earth. They are the only siblings in recorded history to hold concurrent world records and have won 4 Olympic gold medals, 2 silver medals, 3 bronze medals and 15 world championships.
Expressed opinions about these sisters
Salim Raza...

Peace and blessings to the children of Adam. Well, body features are not all, every man and woman has a jewel inside them and this jewel is called the heart. We are slaves of our hearts. Whatever our heart says, we obey. But God said, My servant, I created all that is in heaven and on earth...
Fred Moore
Most Ethiopian women are beautiful.
Loretta B DeLoggio
Meet the real Dibaba sisters


Can't you tell that every detail in that picture is photoshopped? They're really great athletes, but they're not runway models.
For me, that narrows their achievements down to five impressive hookers! Not a single statement spoke of their athletic achievements, which are listed #blurt #blurtstory #geekpranee #fastest #family #run #girl #life #player

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