For better, for worse

in blurt •  2 years ago 

Sepala single leader is one for Sri Lanka!
One day in March last, Egypt Air H.S. was traveling from Alexandria, Egypt to Cairo. Flight 181 was hijacked by a hijacker. On his orders, this plane landed at Larkana airport in Cyprus. No matter how much he was bullied, he was finally arrested by the Cypriot authorities.
But Saif Eldin Mustafa, who did this, is not a terrorist. At the time of his arrest, he said that he did this because he wanted to see his wife in Cyprus.
This story of Mustapha reminded me of Sepala Ekanayake of our Sri Lanka. He became the only Sri Lankan to hijack an airplane in history.
Who is this Sepala Ekanayake?

Born in 1949 in Karathota area of Matara, Sepala Ekanayake studied at Yodha Kandiya Vidyalaya, Hambantota. At the age of 15, he left school and decided to come to Colombo. The reason for that was an argument Sepala had with his father.
In 1972 he went to Germany. There he met a young woman named Anna Aldrovandi. Their friendship ended in love. As a result of that love, they got married in 1980. The married couple chose to live in Italy, Anna's homeland (to be precise, the Modena region of Italy). As time passed, they had a son. He was named as "Free Ekanayake".
Sepala back to Sri Lanka
Anna and her son began to mourn the beautiful life of Sepala Gevva when his visa was lost. Even though I requested a visa from the relevant institutions in Italy, they said that I should go to Sri Lanka and get a visa. Because of this he has to come back to Sri Lanka. But the problem does not end there. The Italian Embassy in Sri Lanka said that even if you apply for a visa, it will take six years to get the visa.
Although he tried to get a visa in this way several times, all those requests were rejected. When he couldn't see his wife and son, Sepala's mind just didn't waver. There was enough pressure in his head to hijack an Italian plane and fulfill his request through it.
How Sepala raised Alitalia
On June 30, 1982, Sepala went to New Delhi, India. From the airport, he boarded a Boeing 747 belonging to the Italian airline "Alitalia". There were about 300 passengers on this plane that traveled from Rome to Tokyo.
Sepala launched his plan when the plane was about 35,000 feet above the ground. In a letter, Sepala presented his conditions and demands to the pilots.
The first request was that this plane should land at Bangkok airport in Thailand. It was seen in his other demands that he should bring his wife and child to the airport and a ransom of 300,000 dollars. Apart from this, his letter also contained the following matters.
All the doors of the plane that landed at the Bangkok airport should be closed.
All requests should be promptly communicated to the Bangkok and Italian authorities.
All communication shall be by radio only.
Currently we have modern bombs made in Italy. If we are mistaken, there will be bomb blasts inside the plane, in Modena, Italy and another city.
On seeing Sepala's letter, the pilot brought the plane to a height of 25000 feet. That's in the hopes of reducing possible destruction.
About 30 hours later, Sepala's wife and child arrived at the Bangkok airport. At the same time, Sepala decided to release the passengers who were kept as hostages. He came out of the plane after that.
Another new question?
Although he was able to see his wife and child, Sepala had another problem. That is where they will go to live next after taking their family and ransom money. Ms. Manel Abeysekara was currently the Sri Lankan ambassador to Thailand. She made a promise to Sepala that she would allow her to settle in Sri Lanka without any trouble.
But there was a lot of opposition to this from the Italian government. Pressuring Sri Lanka, they asked Sepala to be arrested by them. In view of these, the government of Sri Lanka faced a big problem. Because at that time there was no law books in Sri Lanka about the punishments for such crimes.
But in the end, the Galle police took Sepala into custody. While he was going to Welikada Prison, his family was sent to Italy. In this case related to Sepala, a law affecting the past was formulated from the beginning. He was sentenced to ninety-five years in prison.
Sepala, who was released from prison in 1987, married Yasangani Madhupali, an English teacher, while saying goodbye to the past. He is now a father of a daughter and a son. Ten years after this incident, he had the opportunity to meet Free, the son of his first marriage.
The story of Sepala, who hijacked a plane for love, ends like that. Today he is a businessman. He also published a book called "Uta and Thota". Today, he has a neutral opinion about what he did in his youth. But he says that he feels sorry when he remembers that nearly 300 passengers were inconvenienced by what he did.
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