Amazing herb that cures sepsis for sure...

in blurt •  2 years ago 

Amazing herb that cures sepsis for sure...
Also, Katarolu medicine is known to be a medicine that preserves youth.
Roots, flowers, leaves, bark and seeds of the katarolu plant are taken for diseases. Curd root is very beneficial in diseases like cough, dysentery, cold.
Dry and grind the roots of bitter gourd (as a powder) and drink between 01-03 grams of it per day mixed with hot water. It will heal in a few meals.
Also, sputum diseases can be cured if the roots are dried and smoked. If you drink the decoction of the five parts of the bitter gourd plant, you can also remove phlegm from the body.
By now, it has been confirmed even at the research level that Katarolu is a medicine that has the property of eliminating mental stress.
The most suitable for that is the root of the cabbage. If you make a root decoction and drink this medicine, it will be a valuable medicine.
This is a unique medicine to eliminate conditions such as pain, swelling and bleeding in the body.
In the case of bleeding hemorrhoids, katarolu is also used as a poultice to cure it.
Also, by grinding the whole katarolu plant into a paste and applying it on hemorrhoids, you can recover in a short time.
Katarolu plant is also known as a laxative.
In case of a severe headache, you can get instant relief by crushing a few leaves and taking two drops of it up the nose.
Also, to cure galangada disease, add 04 cups of water to a little white bitter gourd flower and strain it together and drink it. It is very beneficial to drink this white watercress flower decoction daily for galangal disease.
In uterine diseases, in menstrual pains, drink the decoction of blue bitter gourd flowers. It is very beneficial.
If you take the root of Katarolu plant, clean it, grind it well and apply the solution on white grave, you can get rid of white grave disease.
Carrots are also very beneficial for the alimentary system. This can even cure stomach ulcers. All you have to do is to grind the dried roots and bark of blue mullein into a paste and eat it with honey and ghee. This is a valuable medicine for stomach ailments.
It is also beneficial to grind the leaves and apply them on the throat in case of throat infections. By drinking the decoction of Katarolu Panchangayam, you can cure all urinary diseases such as urinary inflammation, urinary stones, urinary retention...
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