Just how much is being posted on Blurt?

in blurt •  2 years ago 

Out of curiosity I had a look at my feeds on Blurt, Gab, and Bastyon. Ignoring reposts, my feed on Blurt is showing LESS THAN ONE POST PER HOUR. And these are not full length blog posts or anything - most of them are shitposts. Gab is home of shitposts but there is about one every 5 mins on my feed and to my surprise even more on Bastyon with about one post every 3 mins.





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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The feed is not the best measure of the activity of the whole blog system. The feed on blurt only shows posts form those that you have followed. Because of this there are too many variables to use this as a comparison. I.e. you have followed less people on blurt than the others, the ones you follow on active platforms are more consistently posting.

The best measure is to click new at the top of the page. If i look at this moment there are about 30 posts in the last hour about a post every 2 minutes. There is even variables here as it is a Sunday morning in some places and night in others.

You are also responsible for the posts in your feed. If you have shit posts in your feed unfollow those people and remove them from your feed.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Are you trying to have it both ways? - if I look at all the posts rather than just my own feed on Blurt I see a slow moving stream of utter shit - we are talking probably the most boring badly written shitposts on any platform - why would I want to see a bunch of Korean actifit posts?

If I look at my own feed I see the best content I can find and that is an equal measure of any platform - if I can only find 111 people even sort of worth following at a stretch, and only 25 of them are still posting, then my feed is going to be very thin.

Believe it or not I actually want to see Blurt succeed (or did) but it is becoming more pathetic by the day and the constant denial of that obvious fact is probably the thing that will be it's biggest downfall.

What little content remains is now about 90% UTTER SHIT and getting worse. The people in positions of power are clueless numpties. The people who could turn things around, and potential investors, are being driven off the platform.

Your own comment here is a prime example of the deranged denial of reality that is rampant on Blurt.

Crap like this is not real content...


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The struggle is real. But I don't have to weed through a bunch of crap to get to the content I want. Although things sure have slowed down since the hub bub. I haven't had the heart to post lately, but that is unrelated to the hub bub. Life and death got in the way.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

....on the upside, as things get even slower - you'll have even less work to do, to read anything of interest...so that's good...kinda...ermmm.....

Have a great Sunday !

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


....that's woke science !

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Bloody hell, i didnt notice till now that i wasnt following you. . . (Not in a stalking kind of way, but the blurt kind of way)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We must have offended each other, but im surprised i didnt mute you...


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Bloody hell. . .dont be one of them snowflakes!!!!

But i wonder if it isnt also a fault in the system (yet another), cause ive noticed that @outofthematrix has followed me again like twice in the last month. . .
Did you, (outofthematrix), keep unfollowing me and refollowing me again or is it a fault? Am i keep pissing you off and then you forgive and follow me again 😅😂🤣 no judgement here. . .just curious. . .

No, it is a bug! 🐞 That is really pissing me off. I never unfollow!! Have a lovely Sunday 😚😙😙

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah i had a feeling it might be. . . 😘

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Im pleased about that, i thought i was losing the plot!

I think the price has been quite low lately and ppl have lost faith somewhat, and just haven’t wanted to put in the time. A price Increase Like last night might boost it a bit

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Verry goods the next post today 😊

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Er... yes, go for it :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The amount of traffic on your feed depends on the followers on that particular platform and how post-happy those followed users are. I'd rather follow tags rather than users. I wont necessarily be interested in all of the same topics as the users I follow.