Wallet Dig, How to view available Airdrop tokens | Wallet Dig, Como ver los token disponibles Airdrop

in blurt •  3 years ago  (edited)



View Available Balance Airdrop

I'm back just to inform that a tool is now available to see the available balance of the Airdrop of Blurt and the platforms that have participated, for this you must have installed the Keplr extension in your favorite browser and above all have in that wallet your cosmos account sent to participate in the Airdrop. The procedure is easy and intuitive, we only have to enter our Dig address to see the available balance in the portal provided by the developers


How do we achieve this? by following the steps below, I will not explain how to install the browser extension, but I leave the link so it does not become extensive your bsuqueda

1 - Link to install Keplr


2 - Add the Dig Token to the Keplr wallet, for which we go to the following link, a popup window opens asking us to approve the connection to the Keplr Wallet. Click on approve. A Starport page will open, click "Approve" (if "Approve" does not appear it means it is automatically linked to Keplr. Now you can go back to Keplr Wallet and view Dig in Keplr Wallet.

Looking like this in the Wallet.


3- Select the Token Dig, the address of our Wallet will be shown right there


4 - the last step is to go to the following link and connect our Wallet. We must enter our Dig address to show us the available balance for the Airdrop




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Ver Saldo Disponible Airdrop

Vuelvo solo para informar que ya está disponible una herramienta para ver el saldo disponible del Airdrop de Blurt y de las plataformas que hayan participado, para esto debes tener instalada la extensión Keplr en tu navegador favorito y sobre todo tener en esa billetera tu cuenta cosmos enviada para participar en el Airdrop. El procedimiento es fácil e intuitivo solo debemos ingresar nuestra dirección Dig para ver el saldo disponible en el portal facilitado por los desarrolladores


¿Cómo logramos esto? siguiendo los siguientes pasos, no explicare como instalar la extensión para el navegador, pero dejo el enlace para que no se haga extensa tu bsuqueda

1 - Link para instalar Keplr


2 - Agregar el Token Dig a la cartera Keplr, para lo cual nos dirigimos al siguiente enlace, se abre una ventana emergente que nos pide aprobar la conexión con la Wallet Keplr. Le damos aprobar. Se abrirá una página de Starport, haz clic en "Aprobar" (si no aparece "Aprobar" significa que está automáticamente vinculado a Keplr. Ahora puedes volver a la cartera Keplr y ver Dig en la cartera Keplr

Así se ve en la Wallet


3- Seleccionamos el Token Dig, allí mismo se nos mostrara la dirección de nuestra Wallet


4 - el último paso es ir al siguiente enlace y conectar nuestra Wallet. Debemos ingresar nuestra dirección Dig para que nos muestre el saldo disponible para el Airdrop


Sin título.png


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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks for the good tutorial.
Just checked and happy 😃

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

thanks for commenting. I hope the news was good.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This is a fantastic post! Hope everyone is enjoying the airdrop gifts, Gamestate is coming next.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I still have many doubts about gamestate, but I would like you to explain in more detail how it works, where to get the token.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hi please check https://gamestate.one there is a metapaper and a pitchdeck. The Token can be obtained in the following Hive-Engine platforms:

Token Market

Swap Pools / Farms
https://tribaldex.com/dieselpools/pools (Type "STATE" in the search bar)

Also a small launchpad raise is taking place on Starter.xyz over the next few days:


I asked a question above and then see you commented so will ask you direct as it pertains to a post you made. My apologies if this reveals my ignorance on what you may consider something that should be easy to understand.

On your post you said

Please note that airdropped and team accounts will be on a 24 month vesting period, unlocked daily in a linear fashion.

I assume that means staked?

Delegators on Digchain will earn 33% APR, but initially, the actualised APR should be higher while users are still in the process of staking.

What is the difference between delegating, staking and vesting? I was wondering if the vested was considered delegating, or as it becomes unvested we would then have an option to stake (or delegate if they are separate things to be eligible for

Delegators on Digchain will earn 33% APR, but initially, the actualised APR should be higher while users are still in the process of staking.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I have seen the response to @offgridlife about not being able to see the DIG token in the keplr wallet.

What do you make of this post

Here it says you can see your DIG balance in your keplr wallet and also delegate it to a validator.

On further clarification he says I can not see the balance in keplr because I am using the beta version of dig in the wallet so I need to delete that and use the new one that is for some reason called Chihuahua. Does anyone know the contract-address for this to add this version of DIG to the wallet?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

See my post here I was able to see DIG in my keplr wallet by following @dotwin1981 instructions:


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Delete the keplr extension and reinstall it. Recover the account with your seed phrases and follow the tutorial.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Delete the keplr extension and reinstall it. Recover the account with your seed phrases and follow the tutorial.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Thanks so much for the tutorial. I was able to check mine using it, and it's so exciting to see this manifesting as I read of a little over a year ago before joining.

From my perspective this is a much bigger deal than those who are piggybacking on second layer tokens through Hive Engine, because it is atop the Cosmos chain.

I wanted to remind everyone that once dropped, Megadrive said that

Please note that airdropped and team accounts will be on a 24 month vesting period, unlocked daily in a linear fashion.


The one question this raises for me is he also says on that post

Delegators on Digchain will earn 33% APR, but initially, the actualised APR should be higher while users are still in the process of staking.

What if any difference is there in being a delegator and having ones drop vested?
I was pleased to see the amount it says I will be getting.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


Mine is showing nothing, don't know what's going on...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

it is possible that you are using the wrong address, you should check which address you supplied for the Airdrop.

Got some dig but not shown in my dig extension.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This is why I dig Blurt.

Really awesome and good news we've been worried about this for a long time now How long will it take to get various thoughts settled in my mind? Through your post I got detailed information about how many digs I am going to get in my current state.

However, I would like to make a request to you that if you could make a little arrangement for mobile users, we would be much benefited if you would give us a detailed post about how Kepler will connect to Dig in the meantime because most people are mobile users nowadays. So I hope you will be happier if you think a little about mobile users

jajaja ya te iba a fstidiar para preguntarte como verificar eso porque en la cospostation me salió un mensaje pero se quedó allí dando vueltas y no me dió montos ni nada, eso es en el telefono....
Mañana hago esto que explicas aquí, en la pc...
Gracias por explicarlo y buenas noches.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hola. Debes hacerlo desde la computadora. Slds

ok, gracias

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Awesome. Going to check now … ok … I see the holdings there in dig-wallet …. But they don’t appear on Keplr.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Correct. Remember that the Airdrop has not yet been executed. But that balance of tokens is the one that corresponds to you once the Airdrop is released.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ok …that makes sense. Good to see it’s moving forward.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ok great. I hope we see soon how we can interact with the blockchain and start investing in fractional real estate. I am also working on a few projects in Ghana here. @offgirdlife i would love to hear your thoughts on how we can provide a long term yield for those who want to invest in conservation land. Or if just holding that land in a safe way would be enough for individuals? Or it would be teamed up with a carbon credit token?

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Yes… I think Dig is a perfect model for a Dig NFT Carbon Credit. You buy 100 DIG for a fractional plot of Land that plants trees to sequester Carbon. Even if you don’t believe the Science it’s a great to invest in an NFT that plants trees.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Aha this was my question also.

Buenas noches @freakeao segui los pasos que mencionas, hasta el momento encontre lo siguiente, siguiendo tus instrucciones:


posteriormente continuando con los pasos logre ver en mi wallet de Keplr lo siguiente:


Veo que tengo disponible una cantidad de 18,690.03 DIGS, y ahora que debo hacer para tener digs staked y como puedo delegar? a ti por ejemplo?

Saludos! y gracias de antemano por tu apoyo y tiempo!

@cosmicboy123 fuera!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

He estado algo ocupado, En unas horas emitire una guia completa la plataforma., desde instalar la wallet, recuperar cuentas, ver saldos, delegar a otros y ganar mas DIG

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Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord

Wow! Great news!
That's really nice!
All credits go to you determined guys.
You have explained all the steps nicely.
I'll follow them.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Wow here is mine
Screenshot from 2021-12-15 11-33-05.png

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Good right. My Dig balance is already in my wallet. Thank you.


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Now I can't use this tool. To link wallet, now can ONLY use metamask, not Keplr. Can anyone help explain?


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This is extremely great. I really appreciate your good work.

When I visited the last step and clicked on this link -> https://dig-wallet.vercel.app/

then screen like this is appearing.


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This was originally to verify the Airdrop balance. For this case it is better to follow the following link to add the wallet, delegate, view balance and do everything related to DIG.


Yep , i just resolved the issue. I have seen my dig balance successfully.
Thank you freakeao.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

How did you add "dig" to your cosmos wallet?

I seem to be stuck on this step.