Spam is chasing me, even in #Blurt. / El spam me persigue, incluso en #Blurt

in blurt •  3 years ago  (edited)


Spam is on the rise in #Blurt

During the current week I have noticed in my email account the increase of spam messages, even in the Discord, what catches my attention is that I have already won about a thousand bitcoins and I just have to click the link to claim them; then I'll tell you if I could get them. The truth is that since I can remember there has always been a spam campaign on the internet, from unwanted ads, emails, friend requests on facebook and many other things so nothing surprises me anymore. As expected our platform has also manifested the presence of these spammers, some of them harassing other users in an uncontrolled way hoping to get a vote. Today I have already come across at least three accounts that are dedicated to publish, republish the same content over and over again, this becomes annoying; when I start looking for content I find these publications again and again, so I say to myself are they really rewarded? or their persistence is so great that they end up hunting fools. On the other hand, I could notice how there are people who recurrently vote these publications, so with all responsibility I can assume that they are multi accounts or a circle of close people looking for profitability of the platform.

A case reported recently by the user @abangzack shows us a bit of the picture

Rate positively, But first take your time.

One recommendation I will make to all my readers, is that simply before positively rating any post, check the author's previous posts, it is very easy to detect if he has re-uploaded the content over and over again, if you have some skill you will also be able to detect if these posts have already been published in other sister networks. This will allow you to not only keep spammers away from your circles of friends, you can also alert the community as @abangzack has done. There is also the option to mute these users, but I think the best way is to make public the accounts that are engaged in propagating this behavior and then everyone can choose to either mute or report them.

Recommended posts

In my previous post I asked for recommendations of new authors or publications that deserve a second chance, many times they go unnoticed. Motivated that I did not receive positive feedback I leave you with something to read:

Vota por mi como Witness Link


El Spam se incrementa en #Blurt

Durante la semana en curso he podido notar en mi cuenta de correo el incremento de mensajes spam, incluso en el Discord, lo que me llama la atención es que me he ganado ya como mil bitcoins y solo debo darle clic al enlace para reclamarlos; luego les cuento si pude obtenerlos. Lo cierto es que desde que tengo uso de razón en internet ha existido siempre una campaña spam, desde avisos indeseados, correos, solicitudes de amistad en facebook y muchas otras cosas por lo cual ya nada me sorprende. Como es de esperarse nuestra plataforma ha manifestado también la presencia de estos spammers, algunos arrobando a otros usuarios de forma descontrolada esperando obtener un voto. El día de hoy me he topado ya con al menos tres cuentas que se dedican a publicar, republicar el mismo contenido una y otra vez, esto se torna molesto; cuando empiezo a buscar contenido me encuentro con estas publicaciones una y otra vez, ¿por lo cual me digo realmente son recompensados? o su persistencia es tan grande que terminan cazando tontos. Por otro lado, pude notar como existen personas que votan de forma recurrente estas publicaciones, por lo cual con toda responsabilidad puedo asumir que son multi cuentas o un circulo de personas cercanas buscando obtener rentabilidad de la plataforma.

Un caso reportado recientemente por el usuario @abangzack nos muestra un poco el panorama

Valora de forma positiva, Pero antes tomate tu tiempo.

Una recomendación que hare a todos mis lectores, es que simplemente antes de valorar de forma positiva cualquier publicación, revisen las publicaciones previas del autor, es muy fácil detectar si ha re subido el contenido una y otra vez, si tienes algo de habilidad podrás también detectar si estas publicaciones ya se publicaron en otras cadenas hermanas. Esto te permitirá no solo alejar a los spammer de tus círculos de amigos, también puedes alertar a la comunidad como lo ha hecho @abangzack. Existe también la opción de silenciar a estos usuarios, pero creo que la mejor forma es hacer publica las cuentas que se dedican a propagar esta conducta y así todos puede optar pos silenciarlas o reportarlas.

Publicaciones recomendadas

En mi publicación previa solicite que me recomendaran nuevos autores o publicaciones que merezcan una segunda oportunidad, muchas veces pasan desapercibidas. Motivado a que no recibí una retroalimentación positiva yo les dejo algo que leer:

Vota por mi como Witness Link

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Does the increased spamming reflect an increased awareness of blurt ?
(It's not great of course- but it might be a positive - in a weird kind of way?)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Better token pricing not only attracts investors, but also people who will seek to bleed the platform dry in any way possible. Users increase, but so does spam.

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @dsc-r2cornell. You can use the tag #R2cornell. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by @blessed-girl

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Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks you sir for nice advice and sharing recommended posts. I will ceck out them for make me better as blogger

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Hello my dear brother how are you? Brother, you are right.Many of us here do copyright work which should not be done at all. And we don't protest. Thank you very much for speaking out against it.There is no point in going against such an unjust act and looking at who will say what. I am with you. I support you.

Very good advice for our community. Spam is a big problem and whole blurt community and developers should take action against it.

On your view "many same posts in same account", yesterday the same thing occurred to me. Actually, I wanted to edit it but it happened thrice.I felt so guilty for it. I am new and these unwanted things happening, I totally against it. I am learning a lot of things from you witnesses. Hope you will understand my problem.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Maybey almost everyone here writes just to get a vote. I do not force you all to rate positively on my posts
And also do not force you to rate negatively. I need to state here that, I wrote this post to fight spam, and I don't allow cheating here to run rampant.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Good afternoon, I apologize if you have received an erroneous message from this publication. First of all I have only recommended its publication because it seems to me that it is an important topic to discuss with the community in general. I have not inferred anything else about your posting, whether or not anyone should rate it negatively or positively. Each author decides how to rate the content that appears within the Blockchain. I would still like to thank you for publishing it.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You are absolutely right, because many people follow their own rules and do not follow any rules. Definitely should take a stand against it

You're right, a lot of information work has started here. A lot of people are not following the rules here. I think you need to take a stand against it.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Not only spam but rug pulls, hacking, scam, influencers that lead their audience into get rich schemes especially now that BTC is supposed to moon unimaginably @freakeao

It is chaos incoming until maybe forever especially in platform like this where people with different values, philosophies, interests gather together and sometimes the result is misunderstanding and all that strife. 🤦‍♂️

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted by the @blurtcurator communal account,
You can request a vote every 12 hours from the #getupvote channel in the official Blurt Discord.Don't wait to join ,lots of good stuff happening there.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Of course, it's no wonder you get a lot of spam Personally. Because here people see you as an influential and kind person. Everyone needs support and being cared for by a big person somewhere. I also hope you pay attention to them, because they are people who are looking for support and knowledge from you. But remember, you have to be careful and disciplined so that lickers don't grow easily. we must support reasonable and worthy people. I support you to be a witness. Good luck!

I agree that there is an increase in spam and we must slowly stop it somehow.