men of mayhem. Life 2.0 and Promotion for your publications. | Hombre del Caos. Vida 2.0 y Promocion para tus publicaciones.

in blurt •  3 years ago  (edited)


Sinking into madness is not a fatality, perhaps it is also a choice (Anne Sophie Brasme)

Many times we do not know if we are sane, or is that the world insists on pushing us to madness. It has been complicated and difficult days for me, living in a chaotic country is stressful, sometimes suffocating and after stopping to think I see that there are people in a worse situation than the one I live in and they are still struggling. For which I am fortunate, I am blessed to at least be able to provide for my family, but I will not deny that it is so hard sometimes to keep you on your feet, that smiling no longer comes so natural. These days I would say that I feel more depressed, more submerged in the darkness of my thoughts coupled with my recurring health problems and poor sleep. I feel tired, I feel burdened. Now imagine this feeling in a group, in a society, in your brothers from the neighborhood; What we will notice is a continuous feeling of hopelessness and a feeling that we only live enslaved in order to provide, forgetting the most elementary things in life. I don't want this for myself or my loved ones.

Not everything is so bad

Yes, despite the things that can disturb us there is always something that leads us to get up and continue fighting. My daughter is about to graduate in a few months, which is why the huge step of going to university comes. I believe and I am convinced that there is a possibility that I will choose a career such as computer or systems engineering, a career that I never practiced, but to which I return again and again over the years. So I have proposed to update myself, study all these new technologies that arise, programming, with the sole purpose of being a support for it if it deserves it. Additional for me it would be to be able to keep busy and be in continuous learning, we must never stop learning.

Van Halen - Jump (Official Music Video)

Life 2.0

For the moment I have decided to move away from life 2.0 (social networks and discord), my life outside these media deserves that I be present more and more, so perhaps if you no longer see me through these media, do not think that I have left, I'll stick with my occasional posts and commenting as usual on Blurt (not on Hive, not on Steem). It is time to undertake other projects and above all to enjoy my family. This reminded me of @ michelangelo3.


We must give Blurt a complete facelift, as part of this family, as one of the main witnesses of this blockchain is my wish to be able to enhance some important points that you can expand on your own if you wish:

  • #blurtsocial a tag dedicated to those people who promote Blurt on social networks such as Twitter, Instagram or Facebook. When you promote your post you must place the link in the comments of your publications with the mentioned tag (you will see an example in my comments). If you see someone promoting their post and you don't use this tag, you can mention me or use this tag in a comment and there will surely be some important surprises. Therefore, ask others to promote their post on social networks and promote yours as well.

Vota por mi como Witness Link



Hundirse en la locura no es una fatalidad, quizás es, también, una elección (Anne Sophie Brasme)

Muchas veces no sabemos si estamos cuerdos, o es que el mundo se empeña en empujarnos hasta la locura. Ha sido días complicados y difíciles para mí, vivir en un país caótico es estresante, a veces sofocante y luego de detenerme a pensar observo que hay personas en peor situación que la que yo vivo y aún siguen luchando. Por lo cual soy afortunado, soy bendecido de al menos poder proveer a mi familia, pero no les negare que es tan duro a veces mantenerte en pie, que eso de sonreír ya no sale tan al natural. Estos días diría que me siento más depresivo, más sumergido en la oscuridad de mis pensamientos aunados a mis problemas de salud recurrente y el mal dormir. Me siento cansado, me siento agobiado. Imaginen ahora este sentimiento en un colectivo, en una sociedad, en tus hermanos del barrio; lo que notaremos es un sentimiento de desesperanza continuo y una sensación de que solo vivimos esclavizados para poder proveer olvidándonos de las cosas más elementales de la vida. Yo no deseo esto para mi ni para mis seres amados.

No todo es tan malo

Si, a pesar de las cosas que pueden perturbarnos siempre hay algo que nos lleva a levantarnos y a seguir luchando. Mi hija está por graduarse en pocos meses por lo cual viene el paso enorme de ir a la universidad. Creo y estoy convencido que existe la posibilidad que elija una carrera como la ingeniería en computación o sistemas, una carrera que nunca ejercí, pero a la cual vuelvo una y otra vez con el pasar de los años. Entonces me he propuesto actualizarme, estudiar todas estas nuevas tecnologías que surgen, programación, con el único fin de ser soporte para ella si así lo amerita. Adicional para mi seria poder mantenerme ocupado y estar en continuo aprendizaje, nunca debemos dejar de aprender.

Van Halen - Jump (Official Music Video)

Vida 2.0

Por el momento he decidido alejarme de la vida 2.0 (redes sociales y discord), mi vida fuera de estos medios amerita que esté presente más y más, por lo cual quizás si ya no me ves por estos medios no pienses que me he ido, seguiré con mis publicaciones ocasionales y comentando como siempre en Blurt (no estoy en Hive, no estoy en Steem). Es hora de emprender otros proyectos y sobre todo disfrutar de mi familia. Esto me hizo recordar a @michelangelo3.


Debemos darle un lavado completo de cara a Blurt, como parte de esta familia, como uno de los testigos principales de esta cadena de bloques es mi deseo poder potenciar algunos puntos importantes que puedes ampliar por ti mismo si lo deseas:

  • #Blurtsocial una etiqueta dedicada a aquellas personas que promocionen a Blurt en redes sociales como Twitter, Instagram o Facebook. Cuando promociones tu post debes colocar el enlace en los comentarios de tus publiaciones con la etiqueta mencionada (veras un ejemplo en mis comentarios). Si ves a alguien promocionar sus post y no usas esta etiqueta puedes mencionarme o usar esta etiqueta en algun comentario y con seguridad habrá algunas sorpresas importantes. Por lo cual pide a otros que promocionen sus post en redes sociales y promociona los tuyos también.

Vota por mi como Witness Link

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  
  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)
  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Wir werden dich vermissen, mein Freund. Das ist zwar traurig für mich, aber ich verstehe das. Ich habe das Gleiche in Erwägung gezogen und mich eine Zeit lang auf eine ruhige Kuration beschränkt. Ich verbringe täglich Stunden auf Blurt, und das hat mir keinen Ausgleich für meine Unplugged-Aktivitäten gebracht.

Ich wünsche dir alles Gute bei deinem Vorhaben, das nicht so stark von den körperlichen Folgen des Alters beeinträchtigt wird wie viele andere. Ich habe keinen Zweifel daran, dass Sie dabei großartige Ergebnisse erzielen werden, wie ich es hier beweise, wenn ich Sie in Aktion beobachte.

You'll be missed my friend. While saddening for me, I understand. I've been contemplating the same, scaling back to only quiet curation for awhile. I spend hours a day on Blurt, and it hasn't allowed me a balance for my unplugged activities.

I wish you well in your pursuit, a good one that isn't impacted so greatly on the physical ravages of age as many others. I have no doubt that you will achieve great results in this, as evidenced by me here when I watch you in action.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

My dear friend, there will always be space in this place and in our hearts, I hope one of these days to be able to meet you and talk about so many things. I have always said that you are my teacher for giving me a different vision of life. I hope to be able to comment on a regular basis and above all to be able to push blurt to wider spaces.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Gracias por compartir tu publicación en #Blurt. Tu esfuerzo significa mucho para nosotros; por eso has recibido un voto positivo.

Te invito a votar por @blurtlatam como Testigo / Witness


Hola, me harás falta, sobretodo en el discord, porque siempre me ayudas con mis dudas, pero a veces es bueno desconectarse y pasar tiempo de calidad con la familia, es bueno para todos incluso para el ánimo, así que espero que el tiempo que no estés, te ayude a llenarte de mucha energía y alegría y vuelvas pronto así como lo hizo @michelangelo3. Cuídate!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Muchas gracias por comentar, el dia de hoy el internet tuvo fallas a nivel nacional. Por eso la tardanza en responder. Digamos que son dias necesarios para renovarnos a nosotros y a nuestras energias.

Ah con razón el internet aquí estuvo fastidioso...Disfruta cada momento... :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I'll miss you, but you're not leaving completely....
( more paparazzi in the pub...)
I am also limiting myself.
I have so many ideas for posts, but I don't have enough time.
I wish you all the best.
And I hope that the situation in your country with nice people will get better.
Someday we will travel Venezuela and then I will come to have a beer with you!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I wish with all my heart, that the good people who make life in this space one day we can meet, even if we need translation tools or as simple as a sign language. I would gladly accept a beer and talk about our projects, about Uganda and many other topics.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  
  ·  3 years ago  ·  

great. I hope you continue to promote your publications on Twitter.

Cierto que el pesar puede ocasionar que uno se deprima un poco, pero tenemos que mantenernos a flote, después de todo no todo es malo, tal como lo señalas.

Felicitaciones por el logro de tu hija, ya veremos que carrera escoge :)

La vida fuera de red también requiere de su tiempo y es importante dárselo, en fin, te deseo que logres un buen equilibrio en la administración de tiempo y que todas las cosas mejoren.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Gracias mi estimado Pedro, espero y deseo puedes ampliar tu bitacora y comaprtir con nosotros mas sobre tu vida cotidiana, la vida urbana o tus experiencias de vida. siempre agradecido por econtrarte en la seccion de comentarios.

Dear Freakeao,

You already announced it in my break post, now it's time. Even though I am sad to read your lines, I think your decision is right.

I sincerely hope that the situation will soon become easier for you and that you will find new ways...

...ways home. Home to our inner self, where our strength, our confidence and our goals are at home.

All the best for you and your family!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Excelente Post y decisiones de vida. Creo que es un año que lo amerita, luego de un aletargado existir medio encerrados, con cosas paralizadas y bueno en nuestro país hay otras cosas adicionales que se suman. Yo también me he ido más hacia discord a estar más en relaciones de pantalla.

Pero hay que salir y recuperar los afectos y la dinámica, pese a la situaciones de salud pública. Yo te deseo lo mejor y espero que puedas disfrutar plenamente la satisfacción de ve a tu hija graduada y encaminada en la Universidad. Como docente universitaria, siento una gran alegría que aún nuestros jóvenes deseen hacerlo y pues hago lo posible desde microcosmos por apoyarlos.

Un fuerte abrazo

Many people in our society today forget about his family and his country in order to keep pace with the times It is okay in some cases to think of starting one's path by comparing oneself with another, but in all cases it is nothing but foolishness to compare oneself with another.

From where we are, from where we need our lives, we should all be thankful to the Creator, because they have made it possible for us to hold our position in such a beautiful world. People from other countries are suffering more from the country I am in. We can eat properly. There are many people in the world who can't even eat properly. They have to fight for food.

The only thing we want in this world is that the more people earn, the more money they need. This is one of the most important bad aspects of our human civilization. I think at every step we need to create a specific place for us to talk.

I like your discussion very much. I like your discussion very much. I always look at your discussions and I support the way you talk about important issues.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you for commenting. It is always good to know that there are people who dedicate their time to know and share opinions within the platform. Remember if you are twitter users you can promote your post in the comments with the hashtag #blurtsocial.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)
  ·  3 years ago  ·  

"For the moment I have decided to move away from life 2.0 (social networks and discord)"

Someone get this as a good progress and someone may take this as a worse because we already engaged with social medias lot. I have seen some people who are sharing all the things happen their life in social medias. Those people get happy when someone read and get points to their life. Living without social medias for me is not possible. But I try to live in real world more that social median because it feels me comfort. Hope you will achieve what you need in your real life.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

a great reflection, of what we are today as a society, we have let a certain part of our lives depend on social networks, however today my search is more towards the intimate, towards the familiar. Thank you for commenting.

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @r2cornell-curate. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by @abiga554

logo3 Discord.png

Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell-curate. También, encuéntranos en Discord

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

thank you for taking my work into consideration. Thanks to the curators for their great work.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

This sounds like a good way to promote Blurt on other media. It will take a minute to share and link but when I do I will tag #blurtsocial

1480724569707417609?t=OSojLK0728mhxZEPly_9ng&s=19 twitter metadata:TWNTYWdlbHx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9NY1NhZ2VsL3N0YXR1cy8xNDgwNzI0NTY5NzA3NDE3NjA5P3Q9T1NvakxLMDcyOG1oeFpFUGx5XzluZyZzPTE5fA== ~~~

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

sometimes i read blurt members talk about a better price, about the inclusion of new and better exchanges, but few know that exchanges measure popularity on social networks, check if there are communities and above all if there is really a group of people actively promoting them. so guess what? we want a better price but we do nothing to promote blurt. so the ideal is to be able to give it visibility at all times. thanks for commenting.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you. I'm getting my twitter back in action... and making this orange blurt guy my best friend.

I agree with with freakeao , i have seen many asking again and again about when we are getting listed on Binance. people don't want to do things from their side but want to enjoy the benefits as soon as possible.

Well written post. Congratulations

Life has not been easy for many freakeao , i can understand your situation and i myself try to make myself understand to live on by looking at people who are living in a more harsh situations.

As you said everything is not bad , there are things that can make us happy in life but sometimes the balance is broken in such a way that we are not able to focus on the good sides. We feel depressed , we feel lost , we feel like giving up.

But we all are strong because we go through this all alone , so somewhere deep inside our heart we should tell us that we are strong.

We will win , we will...!!!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

thanks for commenting. Together we can achieve great things. Remember to promote your publications on Twitter using the hashtag #blurtsocial

It may be a right decision. Because someone doesn't like to spend so much time in social media and you're on them. Enjoy your life with family. I will enjoy read your posts.