Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah
My dreams without rest.
To Live or to Exist?
A question that very few people will know how to answer is, do you know what is the purpose of your life? do you have a broader vision of what are the motivations that keep you in this world? do you know what is your purpose in this thing they call life or world? Life was created to have meaning only that we are so blind that we must suffer painful, complex moments in order to have enough lucidity to achieve our purpose in life. Although this post has become very philosophical, the point I want to get to, is to tell you not to wait to go through the worst moments to understand your purpose. there are better ways to learn than pain, although the quintessential human being seemed to prefer that kind of learning.
Vota por mi como Witness

Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah
Mis sueños sin descanso.
¿Vivir o Existir?
Una pregunta que muy pocas personas sabrán responder es, ¿sabes cuál es el propósito de tu vida? tienes una visión más amplia de cuáles son las motivaciones que te mantienen en este mundo? sabes cuál es tu propósito en esto que llaman vida o mundo? La vida fue creada para que tuviera un significado solo que somos tan ciegos que debemos sufrir momentos dolorosos, complejos para poder tener la suficiente lucidez para alcanzar nuestro propósito de vida. Aunque este post se ha vuelto muy filosófico, al punto al que quiero llegar, es decirte que no esperes transitar por los peores momentos para entender tu propósito. hay mejores maneras para aprender que el dolor, aunque el ser humano por excelencia parecía preferir ese tipo de aprendizaje.
Vota por mi como Witness

The meaning of life!
Good question, next question....
First of all, like animals, we are here to reproduce.
Children are for many people the meaning of life...
Therefore, they get some, no matter how bad the situation around them is for them and also no matter how bad the future prospects are.
Pure selfishness - to give meaning to one's life, or to satisfy one's desires and needs.
What future do the children who are born now have?
My opinion: not a good one!
Mankind is somehow totally stupid.
Greed for money, power, egoism....everywhere......we just saw off the branch on which we sit....we will not fall soft.
That there are still wars in 2021, says everything about the people.
Personally, I don't need any sense for my life.
I just live and try to make it nice for myself.
And it makes me happy when there is peace and others have it nice too.
You made me remember many years ago a friend who suffered from cancer and overcame it, then people began to tell him that God had a plan, a purpose for him. Every day waking up was an anguish for not understanding what he should do or where to start. Until someone philosophically told him you can be an asshole if you want and nothing happens. You have to make the most of your time and keep on living. Don't wear yourself out thinking if something divine has been established for you, live more and what should be so will be so.
Many people have been raised under religious or social dogmas, so they may be alarmed by your comment, but it is the reality. what is wrong with saying I can live in peace and let others live in peace. I am close to this concept.
Thank you for commenting.
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Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord
Oh, yes,
Wise words and HUGE questions, that many hear in their hearts since very young, and then there are others who are not yet called to that level of awareness, and then those who will not reach that state in this life, but may be in the next.. :)
When the time is ripe and one resists to answer the call, the life will make the existence so uncomfortable that any change and growth will seem less scary than staying in that uncomfortable place in one's life.
Abuse pushes many into healing modalities..
Failures push others to mind-blowing success..
Yearning for death leads many to the realization that there is no such thing as "death"..
The school of life becomes very uncomfortable just before new leaps into higher consciousness.
Thank you for this stimulating post.
Wishing you strength and inspiration on your soul's adventures.
All people have to pass through difficult and tough days. And you are facing them,it is very bad news. You should must take rest and sleep properly. Without sleeping, a man can not feel better and is always in depression and anxieties.
Although, you have brought your idea in a philosophical way. I enjoyed a lot reading your post. Keep on bringing these kinds of things.
We are given the freedom to assume that we form the habit of creating a culture (purpose of life) as a person, living in a family, community, state, and responsible humane manner by adventuring in this life. 💙
Waking up in the morning is a good job and habit. However, to get enough sleep at night, you should sleep first.
Felicidades por este escrito amigo, los seres humanos fuimos creados para crecer y disfrutar de la vida, y para ello se nos ha dejado un manual para que podamos aprender a convivir y hacer las cosas un poco más correctas, aún así es como usted mismo lo dice, los seres humanos preferimos aprender muchas veces de la forma menos indicada, ya que nos hacemos ciegos a la realidad y sordos a los consejos quiza por querer ir detrás de algo no conveniente pero con lo que nos hemos encapuchado.
Sus palabras finales son muy acertadas y sabías, gracias por escribir para nosotros y compartir su sentir para que de esta manera muchos podamos reflexionar en nuestras vidas .