Developing apps is expensive | Desarrollar aplicaciones es costoso

in blurt •  2 years ago  (edited)


In Blurt everything is free

Today I had a very interesting conversation with the lead developer of Blurt @tekraze, in order to share ideas, discuss and most of all express our complicated feelings about development on the platform and most of all we talked about what a development of useful applications for all Internet users, but also that represents a return on investment for anyone who wants to start a project for the community. In the previous line, the open debate for each of the members of the community already begins, it is notorious that the witness is asked daily for certain applications, functions and, above all, improvements that we long for. In many cases they are not suggestions but a set of requirements in which we are told Blurt does not have 100 Dapps and Hive Yes, in Steemit I can connect the TV remote control with the moon and in Blurt we only have the frontends that are the same and one other Bot. But my dear Internet user, blogger specialized in technology, do you know how much a programmer charges per hour to be able to make changes and updates? I'll tell you later

Currently #Blurt is at a point that merits integration with more Dapps to take advantage of 100% of its qualities as it is a web 3.0; However, one of the setbacks in which the main promoters of Blurt find ourselves is that we do not have excess money to invest in development, many of us come from third world countries and with a lot of sweat, work, we managed not only to be part of this that we call Blurt but we are a main hub in their infrastructure but we don't have thousands of dollars to redo a frontend, to pay an experienced programmer $50 an hour, or even to pay a newbie $10 to develop projects in which we may not recover part or all of our investment over time. Developing is expensive, Implementing new ideas and projects involves money and hiring experienced people.

Slipknot - Before I Forget, is what is playing as I write this post. As a general rule, I first choose the song that I will use while writing.

Get paid to use Dapps

Reading this header, many users will surely hate me, and will think that this is not a viable option for #Blurt, but it is notorious that many do not think about the investment factor that must be made to being able to keep a frontend like blurtlatam, or Blurt.Blog itself running. But on the other hand, I find it curious that in other similar blockchains these same developments exist and people can help by collaborating with small donations so that everything can continue to function as it should. Much of the money raised by this methodology is used to finance the development of different frontends, dapps on platforms such as Hive and Steem, those who still do not do so for sure in the near future will take this option because in computing development does not exist without investment. For this reason, many developers are forced to ask for donations or simply to implement payments for using certain functions in order to obtain funds. You do not believe me? Here I leave you a link where you talk about the reward system of other chains for the use of Peadk and perhaps in the near future ecency.

How much does it cost to develop?

Depending on its complexity, an application can take an average of 3 to 6 months to develop, something monstrous can take years for which it is notorious that it can cost thousands of dollars. What we can call a simple application can cost from 10 thousand dollars to 15 thousand dollars, a very advanced platform can easily exceed 30 thousand dollars. Now think that behind all this is the infrastructure or servers, as well as programming. Think for a moment that you pick up the phone and tell the programmer I have an idea and explain it to them for an hour, you might end up paying $50 because it takes up your time. Once we think about all these costs, an important assertion comes to mind: does that which users call free really cost nothing? Do the people who keep the platform where you express yourself work, don't invest? if you want development it is necessary to invest and it is not cheap.

Grant a percentage for development

Dear Reader, what would happen if the administrators of the different frontends of #Blurt implemented a system where users give a percentage of their rewards to continue implementing improvements in terms of security, redesign and any ideas that may arise from the community. Would you agree? I want to know your impressions.

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En Blurt todo es gratis

El día de hoy sostuve una conversación muy interesante con el desarrollador principal de Blurt @tekraze, con el fin de compartir ideas, debatir y sobre todo expresar nuestros sentimientos complicados acerca del desarrollo en la plataforma y sobre todo hablamos de cómo puede ser un desarrollo de aplicaciones útil para todos los internautas, pero también que represente un retorno de inversión para cualquier persona que desee iniciar un proyecto para la comunidad. En la línea anterior ya comienza el debate abierto para cada uno de los miembros de la comunidad, es notorio que a diario se le pregunte al testigo por determinadas aplicaciones, funciones y sobre todo mejoras que anhelamos. En muchos casos no son sugerencias sino un conjunto de exigencias en las cuales se nos dice Blurt no tiene 100 Dapps y Hive Si, en Steemit puedo conectar el control remoto de la tv con la luna y en Blurt solo tenemos los frontend que son iguales y uno que otros Bot. Pero mi estimado internauta, bloguero especializado en tecnología ¿sabe usted cuánto cobra un programador por hora para poder realizar cambios y actualizaciones? Ya les dire mas adelante

Actualmente #Blurt se encuentra en un punto que amerita la integración con mas Dapps para aprovechar el 100% de sus cualidades al ser una web 3.0; Sin embargo uno de los contratiempos en el cual nos encontramos los principales promotores de Blurt es que no contamos con dinero en exceso para invertir en desarrollo, muchos provenimos de países del tercer mundo y con mucho sudor, trabajo, logramos no solo ser parte de esto que llamamos Blurt sino que somos un eje principal en su infraestructura pero no poseemos miles de dólares como para rehacer un frontend, como para pagarle 50$ la hora a un programador experimentado, o incluso pagarle a un novato 10$ para desarrollar proyectos en los cuales no podamos recuperar parte de nuestra inversión o toda ella con el pasar del tiempo. Desarrollar es costoso, Implementar ideas y proyectos nuevo implica dinero y contratar personas experimentadas.

Fuera de contexto

Slipknot - Before I Forget, es lo que suena mientras redacto esta publicación. Por norma general elijo primero la canción que usare mientras redacto.

Cobrar por usar las Dapps

Al leer este encabezado con seguridad muchos usuarios me odiaran, y pensaran que esta no es una opción viable para #Blurt, pero es notorio que muchos no piensan en el factor inversión que se debe hacer para poder mantener en funcionamiento un frontend como blurtlatam, o el mismo Blurt.Blog. Pero por otro lado me resulta curioso que en otras cadenas de bloques similares existan estos mismos desarrollos y las personas puedan ayudar colaborando con pequeñas donaciones para que todo pueda seguir funcionando como debe. Mucho del dinero recaudado por esta metodología se utiliza para poder financiar el desarrollo de distintos frontend, dapps en plataformas como Hive y Steem, los que aún no lo hacen con seguridad en un futuro cercano tomaran esta opción porque en la informática el desarrollo no existe sin inversión. Por lo cual muchos desarrolladores se ven obligado a pedir donaciones o tan solo a implementar pagos por usar determinadas funciones con el fin de obtener fondos. ¿No me crees? aquí te dejo un enlace donde se habla del sistema de recompensas de otras cadenas por el uso de Peadk y quizás en un futuro cercano ecency.

¿Cuánto cuesta desarrollar?

Una aplicación dependiendo de su complejidad puede tardar en desarrollarse en promedio 3 a 6 meses, algo monstruoso puede llevar años por lo cual es notorio que puede costar miles de dólares. Lo que podemos llamar una aplicación sencilla puede costar de 10 mil dólares a 15 mil dólares, una plataforma muy avanzada puede superar fácilmente los 30 mil dólares. Ahora piensen que detrás de todo esto se encuentra la infraestructura o servidores, además la programación. Piense por un momento que levanta el teléfono y le dice al programador tengo una idea y se la explica durante una hora, es posible que termine pagando 50$ porque ocupa su tiempo. Una vez que pensamos en todos estos costos viene una aseveración importante, ¿eso que los usuarios llaman gratis realmente no costo nada?, las personas que mantienen funcionando la plataforma donde te expresas no invierten? si quieres desarrollo es necesario invertir y no es barato.

Otorgar un porcentaje para desarrollo

Querido Lector, que pasaría si los administradores de los distintos frontend de #Blurt implementaran un sistema donde los usuarios le otorguen un porcentaje de sus recompensas para continuar implementando mejoras en cuanto seguridad, rediseño y cualquier idea que pueda surgir desde la comunidad. ¿Estarías de acuerdo? quiero saber tus impresiones.

Foto de programador web creado por pressfoto -

Te invito a votar por @freakeao como Witness

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for sharing this my friend, it looks bad when the person himself asks for something. It's not like we are asking though, it's about sharing the needs.

People here keep asking for updates, only when they are just given, but when they are asked for support, they are like blurt is fine as it is.

But people need to understand that, development takes time. Same time we can spend for work that can get us paid, but we still get time to do things.

I hope with more people commenting, we will get an idea, of what the community wants.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This issue is more complex than it seems initially, but if we want the frontends to make progress we need funding to be able to pay for the work of the developers. At the beginning I thought it would be a good idea to have the percentage as something optional that could be placed within the options of the window where the writing is done, but given what practicalthought explained it would be detrimental to the $blurt in the long term.

Another idea that at the time I think was already touched is the possibility of incorporating Google advertising in the frontend for self-financing and many people were against it, but realistically it is a considerable source of income that does not affect the pockets of those who make life within the platform. Because let's face it, donations are not something that can guarantee a constant inflow of income.

Discarding the two previous ideas and complementing what practicalthought said, what comes to my mind is to use a recurring donation page, which would make the process more transparent and would be a commitment to a monthly contribution. The idea would be to copy the Development Fund system used by Blender, although it might be more work for the developer to set up such a visual system, but it makes the donations more social. It is also possible to use already established platforms such as Liberapay, which is open source and does not take a percentage of what is received.

Development Fund:

Este tema es más complejo de lo que parece inicialmente, pero si queremos que los frontends tengan avances se necesita financiación para poder costear el trabajo de los desarrolladores. Yo en un inicio pensaba que sería buena idea lo del porcentaje como algo opcional que se pudiera colocar dentro de las opciones de la ventana donde se realiza el escrito pero visto lo que explico practicalthought sería perjudicial para el $blurt a largo plazo.

Otra idea que en su momento creo que ya se toco es la posibilidad de incorporar publicidad de Google en el frontend para autofinanciarse y muchas personas estuvieron en contra de ello, pero siendo realista es una fuente de ingreso considerable que no afecta los bolsillos de los que hacemos vida dentro de la plataforma. Porque seamos sinceros, las donaciones no es algo que pueda garantizar una entrada constante de ingresos.

Descartando las dos ideas anteriores y complementando lo dicho por practicalthought lo que se me ocurre es utilizar una página de donaciones recurrentes, lo que haría que el proceso fuera más transparente y fuera un compromiso para un aporte mensual. La idea sería copiar el sistema del Development Fund que usa Blender, aunque quizá esto sea más trabajo para el desarrollador montar un sistema así de visual, pero hace que las donaciones sean algo más social. Pudiendo también utilizar plataformas ya instauradas como Liberapay que es open source y no quita porcentaje por lo recibido.

Development Fund:

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

As for Dapps we don't need to rebuild the wheel. It would be nice to have something great but we don't need to compete with Steemit or Hive. Blurt is Blurt. We can share pictures and blog posts. The nodes are on and we are ready for business. You have been doing a great job. We just have to work with what we have and keep our eyes open for opportunities.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for commenting, Yes although some things seem to work, when we go to technical levels many things are missing or the source code needs to be adjusted. In programming the source code can vary to improve something or to eliminate it and this is something that we must do constantly because this way we can evolve. I do believe that we should not only compare but also know how to take the best of the ideas already implemented. This does not imply copying them but we can improve a concept and we will not do that by looking at ourselves. I constantly say it if you ask me, our frontend is minimalist and lacks many functions, we do not have dapps that help to promote our site in exchanges, because we look more like an inert website that does not evolve.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Wow. That is strong truth... It's been over a year with Blurt. Considering what I accomplished in a year Blurt is doing better than I am...

Blurt has some resources and a lot of work ahead. The biggest block is bitterness. If we welcome and embrace differences we will grow and challenge each other. Like any growth there are pains. Some people are carrying a heavier burden. They should be rewarded for their efforts.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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