The wealth and fertility of the soil may be the expected miracle

in blurt •  3 years ago 

Let's make some comparisons based on the main idea of "excess of everything is harmful"!

The place where I live is the Aegean Region of Turkey, where we have a very rich choice of plants and a suitable vegetation for the plants grown.

This richness in terms of products grown in the soil reflects positively on the vegetables and fruits we eat. These are known products and are consumed by most people in most countries.

There are products that are unknown and that grow naturally and serve people, and some of them are also used in the pharmaceutical industry.

Science is a path we should always follow and believe in, but there are branches that we can call alternatives to science or see as support for science.

One of them is “alternative medicine” and it is a method that I believe in, that I have tried, that I think should be studied.

There are many types of plants that we can call miraculous in nature and each has different benefits. Some of these are products such as Thyme Juice and Oregano Oil that I have personally produced and tried. It is a source of healing obtained from the steam of water created from pure Thyme and boiling by drip water method.

Healing Source Obtained by Drip Method


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I do not share descriptive information in order not to provide misleading information about the diseases it is good for, but it does not prevent you from doing your own research.

In particular, thyme oil has a numbing effect and has a pain-relieving effect, but care should be taken in terms of use, you can guess that thyme oil will be much sharper than thyme juice.

I think the nettle, which is found in every country and has different names, is one of the miracles offered by nature. Here, apart from nettle, it is also known by the local name "dalgan" and as you can imagine, it is a plant that is difficult to come into direct contact with. It may cause itching and blisters on your hands, but it loses its effect shortly after it is plucked.


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It is my favorite way to consume it as a salad, it has a great harmony and taste with onions. When lemon and pomegranate juice are added as a sauce, its slightly astringent taste disappears. Its very small and black seeds can be mixed with honey and consumed. Again, it has a very beneficial effect, but you should do your own research on what these are.

One of the main income sources of my region is olive trees. We have an important position in olive and olive oil production. Olive trees are tree species that can live for centuries when suitable environments are provided for them to live. This unique feature of them may be the source of a mystery they have, in this respect, "olive leaf tea" made from the leaves of olive trees may have the effect of the secret of longevity in the trees. As always, do your own research.


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As Defne, I live in a rich region. The laurel harvest, which starts in June, continues until August. At the same time, I am in laurel buying and selling transactions during the laurel harvest periods. Various spices and teas are made from the dried bay leaf and it is also used in the pharmaceutical industry in terms of health. In ancient times, laurel leaves were added to the bath water, and by taking a bath with the water boiled with laurel leaves, health and a pleasant smell were aimed on the skin. I know there are still people who do this and they use bay leaves not only in the bath water but also in the hot water where their laundry is washed.


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John's Wort and its oil are extracted in a similar way to thyme juice and oil, but as an alternative, olive oil is added. John's wort, which is kept in olive oil for months, transforms into natural oil in a natural way. It is used in massage moments, as it is thought to have a relaxing effect on the skin. Do your own research on other topics that are thought to be good.


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These are just a few of the thousands of herbs that grow around me and serve as alternative medicine. If we recall the sentence at the time I started the article, it would be useful to state once again the fact that excess of everything is harmful.

We should not look at this only in terms of alternative medicine products. Too much food, too much drinks, too much internet, too much even pure water have health-damaging effects.

I'm sure there are many more issues, too much of which would be harmful, and I would like to talk about them again in the future. For now, let's keep the article short in order not to spoil the eye health and not to bore you.

Stay healthy and friendly!

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