Changing My Voting Behaviour

in blurt •  4 years ago 

Two days ago I stumbled upon a rather interesting tool: This tools shows my upvote behaviour in the past 7 days and draws them on a HTML canvas element in the form of a graph. Here’s an example of my voting behaviour.


As I expected my voting behaviour is somewhat diverse, however, there is a clear “favoritisme” towards my own feed which makes sense in some extend. But there is a difference between knowing and realizing that (it has to be noted that these numbers are a bit tainted because I started changing my voting behaviour a few days ago when I first say the chart). As such it’s an amazing eye opener to be confronted with these numbers.

Though there is space for improvement in my opinion, so I’ll list what I’ll try to do:

  1. I’m going to vote “blurtgaming” (@blurtgaming) tags mostly, I’m a gamer and have some experience writing gaming articles myself so it makes sense to judge (and read) content that are according to my interests. I'll prioritize "blurtgaming" over my own feed (not that I'll be ignoring my own feed)
  2. I’m going to try to upvote content that I actually read, no more skimming to drop my vote power quickly. If, however, I really don’t have much time on my hands I’ll try to follow people from which I feel they also cast fair votes. I’ll try to avoid upvoting a bunch of things because they end up on the top of my screen.
  3. I’m going to build some tools to filter on authors that put work on Blurt. Using the API I’ll:
    • Pull the gaming articles from the last 7 days
    • Filter out the articles I’ve “flagged” as read (I’ll probably save them in a csv file)
    • Sort the articles on certain custom parameters:
      • How much percentage of the author’s upvotes are “self upvotes’. I feel like a healthy self upvote percentage shouldn’t be more than 10%
      • How often does the author’s comment on other people’s work. It should be a give and take type of situation, it makes sense that you comment more on your own work as OP, however I'll prioritize "community builders". So author's that go outside the boundaries of their own content
      • How long has it been ago that I upvoted that author
      Parameters I don’t care about:
      • Wallet value of the author
      • If your content is posted somewhere else. You’re the creator of your content and as such you should be allowed to spread it on the medium(s) of your choosing

I think this will pose as a healthy start to experiment with. This doesn’t mean I won’t skim through my own feed or look at other topics from time to time (and upvote them). Yet, I’d like to prioritize community builders, especially if I have the time for it.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Can you try this one too if it will be helpful:

Oh man that's cool, well done. You can make something that suggests new authors for users to discover using that node structure.
Does the votes_by_count tab show the users that received the most votes in a certain time interval?

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

You can make something that suggests new authors for users to discover using that node structure.

Thank you for the feedback. Registered as ticket to blurtopian's repo:

Does the votes_by_count tab show the users that received the most votes in a certain time interval?

shows the number of votes casted by an account.

If you leave the voter and author filters blank, the table here shows which accounts received the most votes.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Good Post as everytime my friend , i love your entusiasm to support the gaming part as ill do as well :)

Thanks @ciderjunkie. Btw I've started working on something in regards to crosspost vimm streams/live streams

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

did i ever said i love you :)

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

You should vote for @tomoyan as witness he helped me setup our witness :)

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

We just cried together @nerdtopiade ;p

Tears while configuring a server is probably one of the few certainties we have in life ;)
Nice tool you've build there, I really like it. I've cast a witness vote towards your direction

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you so much :)
I just moved Blurt stuff here

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