The lord has plans for you

in blurt •  4 years ago 

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ

Today the word of God taken from the prophet Jeremias verse (Jeremias 29:11) allows me to reflect on the grace that God has reserved for my life in which by Faith I have received his plan of hope and a future in the Celestial Kingdom. This promise of eternal life in which the tribulations and the adverse or favorable circumstances that may be happening today are only tests in which the last glory will be greater than the present one at your side (Hageo 2:9).

Accepting God's grace means accepting Christ as our Savior and Redeemer. He died on the cross to pay for our sins, being innocent, he accepted the sacrifice for me and each one of us. His resurrection and ascension to heaven next to his Heavenly Father marks the life of each one of us who believe in him in Faith.

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On the path of daily prayer to God, the meditation of the Bible, sharing with the brothers of the Faith, rendering our service as Christians fulfilling the commandments and helping those most in need, will allow us to discover what the Will of the Lord for our lives and we will also visualize His Greatness.



God had plans for the Apostle Darlenys, just as He does for you - "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

[screenshot by @felixgarciap]

Receive my affection and blessings.


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In the HeartChurch community we have technological tools and spiritual guidance available in which an outstanding place is represented by the contributions of its members and the power to share musical expressions with the psalms that lead us to share the love of Christ beyond our borders.

A first step to access the HeartChurch Community and be able to enjoy the added value of our Community is to complete the affiliation to our services through a simple data registration process, in which we will immediately be registered in an account Blockchain Telos with our user from whom we would receive a daily message from the sacred scriptures and a universal basic income (UBI) consisting of a Heart token based on TELOS technology. From there the parishioner will have access to our digital channels in which, in addition to sharing the word, he will meet brothers from all over the world.

[Image autorized by @heartchurch Community]

The goods that we receive and those that we can give through our incorporation as members of the HeartChurch Community will give us the joy and Peace that our Lord wishes for our lives and also the opportunity to help other people anywhere in the world.

We continue to Reach to the World

I am proudly a #HeartChurch member.

[Use of Image authorized by @Heartchurch]



By the 1st of September 2021, I will accumulate a Net Worth in excess of $55,000 with a monthly income of $1,000 or more.

In exchange for this, I will Keep on working as an assistant pastor at salvation ministries, I will keep on working as a host on social media for salvation ministries evening sunday Service on social media
My mission in life is to win souls for Christ and live happily with wealth blessed by God.

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make sure you read this post to understand Zapata

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