Do not loose faith

in blurt •  4 years ago 


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The emphasis of my blogs in the next few days shall be on the subject of "FAITH" which is the kingdom currency. In God's kingdom, there are no means of receiving or giving other than by faith. Our entry point into the kingdom is by faith (Romans 10:9-10, John 3: 16; John 1: 13; Romans 3: 28), purified by faith (Acts 15: 9), set apart by faith (Acts 26: 18). The continuity of our walk with God is also by faith and the future immortal glory we shall enter shall also be by faith.

For we walk by faith and not by sight - (2 Corinthians 5: 7).

Self quarantine and social distancing has been the widely accepted preventive strategy to curb the spread of the deadly Conor's Virus spread across the globe. In Nigeria, government has already banned church gatherings of numbers more than 10. This implies that everyone would be expected to stay indoors with his family.

There is a word of hope for everyone as you read this blog. The world's call for self quarantine is not to make believers to quarantine their faith. While we go decentralized, we can still connect in faith and it is an opportunity to grow the faith of weak ones.

How then do we build our faith?

So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God - Romans 8: 17.

Our faith has one booster which is the word of God. When we give ourselves to the reading, study and meditation of God's word, then we make the word a part of our daily living and this wroughts the power of God through us. Nothing at all should separate the believer from God's word. Like Moses advised that it should be in our mouth at all times- day and night.

We have to consciously emerse ourselves in God's word and build out faith in the process so it won't wreck in the days of the storm. Read the word, and meditate upon the word. Speak the word in all circumstances and fail to see what the world is saying.
There are multiple Providence in scripture for times as this. These words are to build us up and keep our eyes fixed on Jesus to see him take us through these days of pain.

I remember the song writer who wrote these lines:
I need no other argument
I need no other plea
It is enough that Jesus died
And that he died for me

Surely, out Lord was bruised and chastised for our sake. He was wounded for our transgressions and by his stripes we get healed. With this understanding, let not your location detach you from God. Jesus did promise an abiding presence unto the end of the work. May we rest on these assurances and see us come out strong.

Remember, do not quarantine your faith, it's time you express it!

God bless you as you stay strong for your family and friends.


By the 1st of September 2021, I will accumulate a Net Worth in excess of $55,000 with a monthly income of $1,000 or more.

In exchange for this, I will Keep on working as an assistant pastor at salvation ministries, I will keep on working as a host on social media for salvation ministries evening sunday Service on social media
My mission in life is to win souls for Christ and live happily with wealth blessed by God.

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