We all know that smoking is harmful to health. But some people follow that rule "necessity knows no rule".Actually, I think it's not there's fault. My thinking says the main fault is the law of our Society. Here our society changing day by day and people upgrade there mind. But here smoking became a fashion.
There is a lot of things, change in our society. If we look attentive, we saw every harmful thing is removed day by day. But sigert is one of harmful thing that we have been carrying it for the last 200 years.
When World War I broke out,a sense of humanity awoke in us and we stopped fighting because we were see human suffering.But A legal
Survey say's tahat In 10% people in the word died by the reason smoking.In That result in every Year 60 Millions people daied for smoking. My thinking says We are now busy with covid-19. And everyone wears careful masks and keeps a distance.Notice that covit-19 has almost decreased.
I hope this covit-19 will be eradicated from the earth.
But will smoking be eliminated?
Yes it is possible.A cigarette takes 4 minutes out of your life.Nicotine is not only ruining your life but it is ruining the lives of the people around you as well.Middle Eastern countries like Russia, Germany, America, we know all these countries as developed countries but the developed countries are addicted to cigarettes.These cigarettes are the first step in getting people addicted to all kinds of drugs.Let's be aware.
How to quit smoking.?
We know that the one who has a beginning must have an end.Forget the word impossible.Suppose you can quit smoking a lot of old habits today. At what stage will your confidence go?Then you will think that if I can give up the habit of so many days then you can do everything, nothing is impossible for you.
Many people say that it takes 1 month, 2 months or even a year to give up the habit.But I'll tell you, it doesn't take long to break the habit.You can give up the habit only after suffering for 4 days. If you don't believe, try not to touch cigarettes for 4 days and keep yourself busy with other things.In 5 days you will see yourself differently.
Thanks All to read And Let's free the society from addiction. Stay well Stay healthy.
Who am I?

My nme is Faysal. I am citizen of Bangladesh . I am aslo a photographer . I love travelers very much and love to serve them.Anyone can contact me
you can contact me on discord user nme @faysal72#4722