I first met him in 2016.I went to a coffee shop and dramatically she came across that same shop.After finishing the coffee, I left for my destination.The surprise was that it was almost the same as mine and her destination.I sat next to her.A beautiful girl sat beside me and I am not like that boys who miss the chance to be familiar.On the way, I collect her name, address,and I became his Facebook friend.Gradually the identity deepened.
She and I were admitted to the same college.At the end of college I got a chance to study at varsity but she didn’t get it.A little distance between she and me.But I used to travel 276.55 kilometers per month to meet her.

Thus two years passed.There was nothing in her life what i didn't know.I was the reason she woke up in the morning and fell asleep at night.Last year I proposed to him.she agreed, and started walking the colorful path again. 8 months later I checked her Facebook one day.I checked her Facebook massage.And I wasn’t ready at all to see what I saw.There are many more boys like me in her messenger.The sky broke over my head and I went into depression.Then I thought what am I doing.?Was it love or cheating.
Then I realized I was still 276 kilometers away from love.I thought deeply and came to the conclusion that this girl was not worthy of me.From that day on, I increased my love and faith in two things.One is reading writing and the other is my work.Because my work alone never deceives me.In my peril my intellect is my work and my morale never leaves me.

Who am I?
My nme is Faysal. I am citizen of Bangladesh . I am aslo a photographer . I love travelers very much and love to serve them.Anyone can contact me
you can contact me on discord user nme @faysal72#4722
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Thankfull to all