Did you know you can use TribalDex Diesel Pools from your phone

in blurt •  3 years ago 

Ok so for those who don't know the TribalDex Diesel Pool are liquidity pool where you can pair hive egine tokens and earns some rewards. Great idea but hard to do via your phone... until now !

Ok first of all you will need to download hive keychain app and set it up


Next go to browsers


Click on the square in the corner


Click on magnifying glass


Enter https://tribaldex.com/dieselpools/pools

Ok now login :) keychain will do it just enter your user name and give permissions

Ok look at which pool you want to enter under pools


Now we add some liquidity! Go to Add liquidity and choose a pool you want to add to


Ok final steps choose how much you want to add and click add!


Congratulations you just added to tribaldex diesel pools from your phone!

Bonus hint you can add pizza if you want 😉 or DEC !

Not financial advice!

Also @dibblers.dabs has a good warning for what happens if you add liquidity every day TribalDex Diesel Pools Update (fair warning)


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