When I woke up, I got some push notifications on my mobile app.
But when I clicked one of push notifications, the app was stuck in the splash screen.
It was due to that the server, blurt.world which the app uses is down.
But the blurt.buzz is working.
I scrutinized the code, I found that the app does not handled this server down situation correctly.
So I quickly handled this situation, and showed toast message saying 'Server is down, choose another server in the settings'. Selecting a server has not implemented yet, but I will do.
If I choose a blurt.buzz manually, then the app fetches the data well.
The rpc.blurt.world still down for maintenance.
Itill be up and down for at least the next 12 hours.
okay. the mobile app can choose other rpc servers automatically.
thanka for the info.
FYI. https://blurtworld.com/ currently in maintenance.
thank you for the info. the mobile app can choose working rpc server automatically. yay!