Fee on editing a post

in blurt •  4 years ago 

I found that the fee on editing is too high. I just added two characters. but the fee was 1.2 blurt.

So I dug into this.

Blurt in Wallrt Before Editing



Adding a period.


Fee on Editing


Blurt After



The actuall spent blurt was not 1.292 but 0.275 blurt.

So it has some problem in fee estimation.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

Well there it is! You were charged for the diff, but the user interface told you that you would be charged for making the post again.

and now it gets worse!

Because I don't think that we should fix it.

I do think that it's a bug.

Fully agree.

I just don't think that it's the best use of our time to fix it.

Anyone is welcome to fix fhis bug and create a gitlab issue.

Legit bug. Probably wont fix due to time constraints.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I guess it depends on how many characters you add... I could be wrong though

I haven't really checked about the actual fee after but it's good that you share about this.

Personally, I feel that editing should not have a fee anymore. But what do I know, maybe there's a technical reason about it.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I observed that too. Editing fee is on the high side, but at the end a little is deducted.