in blurt •  2 years ago 

Hello Blurt! Welcome to this edition of Epistem Daily Curation Report.

EPISTEM is a community oriented project which seeks to discover and reward quality contents on blurt that are related to Education, Psychology, Ingenuity and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). The project achieves this goal by upvoting, giving constructive feedbacks, reblurting as well as hosting several promotional contest.

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To know more about the community, check out our Introductory post, and our last progress evaluation report.

After scouring through the blurt community for EPISTEM-related posts, we found and upvoted lots of articles that are original and of high quality. In this curation report, we proudly present to you, the top posts of the day in the various niche:


@woleyou - Home education (11) : children do homework

From the author

Do you remember what you said to yourself on your graduation day. I bet you said you were glad that you won't do homeworks, tests, and assignments anymore? Well, now that you have kids, how is your resolution working out for you? Lol. For every one who has young kids, helping them with their assignments is a part of your daily activity. But is it right to do all your kid's assignment for him always? Check out @woleyou thoughts on this matter.


@kemmyb - Cultivating Work Ethics In Youths

From the author

The youths are really the future, and if work is not done to ensure that they imbibe good working ethics, and not seek to get money through get-rich-quick schemes then our future is in deep trouble already. In this article, @kemmyb stresses on the important of cultivating a good working ethics amongst youth.

Ingenuity - Art:

@equipodelta - Blurt! Girl In: Makeup Tutorial / Blurt! Girl

From the author

Creating a make-up tutorial using art work? Have you thought of that? This ingenious concept is from @equipodelta. You definitely need to check it out to see how smoothly she executed this idea.

Ingenuity - Poem:

@photocircle - Brilliant and Staggering.

From the author

This awesome poem by @photocircle is actually a message from a lover to the lady he loves. He tells of how he tried to guard his heart from falling totally for her. Now, he can't believe how completely he has fallen for her.


@whileponderin - Nitrogen --- A Bit Of Chemistry And More Of Life.

From the author

Did you know that Nitrogen makes up 78% of Earth's atmosphere, and it is also the 7th most abundant element in the solar system? Did you also know that Nitrogen is the 4th most important element in our body? These and more you will learn when you check out this awesome post by @whileponderin.


@trifecta-tt - What if Amazon's book publishing system went blockchain?

From the author

@trifecta-tt stretches her thoughts to imagine what's obtainable if Amazon's publishing company adopts the blockchain system. This article is worth all the time you will give it.

Engineering:- Nil

Mathematics:- Nil

About The Nomination Process.

We had many brilliant entries today. In order to ensure equity and a fair selection process, the curated works were strictly assessed and graded according to the guidelines of the community; these highlighted posts came out top for the day, (based on general performance).

Everyone has an equal opportunity to be one of our featured author for the day. In case you didn't make it to today's edition, don't be discouraged as there is always a next time. Definitely, as the community grows, the selection process becomes tougher, but we believe that you can develop a more quality content, and be assured, you will be highly rewarded for it. You may wish to check out these guidelines on how to write an effective EPISTEM post.

We also implore everyone to check out the featured posts for the day. Read and support the authors by upvoting and commenting on their post. Also seek to discover what made their post to stand out.

In Addition

In addition, if you are interested in Art, psychology or Poetry, you are encouraged to use the tag #epistem as one of your selected tags while posting (along with any of the focus areas of EPISTEM), as it will make it easier to discover your post for promotion. You can also direct a new blogger whose interest is related to EPISTEM to use the #epistem tag. You can also post your EPISTEM related works in the promotion section of our discord channel.

Lastly, if you believe in the EPISTEM project, and its vision to promote and grow the blurt community, you can send in your delegations to the @epistem account. Be assured that it will be used to promote only quality contents in the blurt community, as well as encourage interactions amongst authors.

Till next edition, Keep Blurting!

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for the feature, @epistem! Much appreciated. I'd definitely look into the other works you've shared here as well.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Good work, @epistem. Thanks for featuring my post and for your support. 🙂