Thanks bro, the purple gave it away for me. It usually takes indoor conditions to bring out that much purple. Fun fact you may already know: The purple is the plant's chlorophyll dying off, much like trees turning orange and red in the autumn. It slows production of THC, so generally is not a good thing, and doesn't have any effect on the flavour. It's purely for looks! Some people go crazy for those purple nugs.
When I commented, the previous guesses were outdoor... after I commented, the rest of the guesses were indoor :p
You certainly know your weed that is for sure. My goodness have I been busy. Let's just say I stumbled upon another gold ;) This time a green this case a purple gold
You know it! Indoor Bud all the way!
Thanks bro, the purple gave it away for me. It usually takes indoor conditions to bring out that much purple. Fun fact you may already know: The purple is the plant's chlorophyll dying off, much like trees turning orange and red in the autumn. It slows production of THC, so generally is not a good thing, and doesn't have any effect on the flavour. It's purely for looks! Some people go crazy for those purple nugs.
When I commented, the previous guesses were outdoor... after I commented, the rest of the guesses were indoor :p
You certainly know your weed that is for sure. My goodness have I been busy. Let's just say I stumbled upon another gold ;) This time a green this case a purple gold