Looming real estate crash could be opportunity for crypto holders

in blurt •  2 years ago 

Another batch of crypto success stories - like in 2017 - could be written soon, right as the real estate market looks ready to implode. As unlikely as it seems at this moment, an unprecedented opportunity to buy a house and own land may be just ahead. If the multi-decade housing market finally bursts, while crypto is having another bull market, some of us could be trading BLURT in for a sprawling estate!

Cryptocurrencies just experienced a bear market, but t's not illogical to think BTC and friends will ride the bull again. Unless crypto is dead, it's only a matter of 'when'.

Real estate prices in North America and other countries topped in early 2022, and have cooled off some. But there's a long way yet to go, to retest levels before the housing bubble began about 20 years ago. Many believe that crash is now beginning.

Crypto bull markets usually last a year or two. Same with real estate bear markets, so there may be a window of opportunity, rather than just a moment. Many forsee Bitcoin making new all-time highs in 2023 or 2024, and a real estate crash beginning late in 2022. The big opportunity looks like it could be in the second half of 2023.

I'll use some personal data to illustrate how something like this might happen.

In my region (Okanagan, BC, Canada) a decent 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house (on a lot large enough to have a backyard garden) is currently at least 500,000 Canadian Dollars. Before the current housing bubble, the same house would have been 180,000 CAD. The market may very well crash far below that point, but I am going to use it as my ballpark target.

(Note: I live in one of the most expensive parts of the world, so perhaps housing prices in my region will drop relatively further than in some other areas where they aren't so inflated. I am not able to get a passport to leave Canada, and I have no guaranteed contacts or resources outside the Okanagan, so my wife and I will probably have to remain here with our 2 children, unless some unforeseen opportunity arises.)

I currently have 500,000 BLURT (also some HIVE and a few other bits 'n pieces).

  • If the price returns to where it was when I bought it a few months ago, before the drama which scared off some big investors, my BLURT would be worth 20,000 USD (26,000 CAD).
  • If the price goes back to its all-time high, set a year and a half ago, my BLURT would be worth 58,000 USD (75,000 CAD).
  • If the price goes to fifty cents, which some believe is possible during the next bull market, my BLURT would be worth 250,000 USD (323,000 CAD).

In other words, I could buy a nice house with just the BLURT currently in my wallet, if the real estate crash overlaps with the coming crypto bull market.

Since Bitcoin is likely to pass 120,000 on the next leg up, someone with 1 BTC could theoretically turn it into a mortgage-free house, even in my overpriced region.

And you? How much is your dream property now, and how much would it be if the real estate bubble popped? What would you be able to afford with your crypto holdings if BLURT went to 0.5 USD and BTC was at 120,000? Do you think the housing bear and crypto bull could happen around the same time?

I'm not an investment trader, but I do believe in pulling the trigger at the right time. I would love to own a home and move my family into it! What a dream come true that would be, and a success story after 15 years of creating content others appreciate. It's nice to know something like that is possible.


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Reading posts like this, my enthusiasm and confidence is getting stronger.

I'm sure of Blurt's future.

Hopefully your (and mine) dream of owning a coveted property can come true in the future.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

@drutter you have some unclaimed Duat tokens for the upcoming Ragnarok game on hive, you can claim them here https://ragnaroknft.info/
You can trade them here https://vue.dlux.io/dex/#duat but at the current value they're only worth around $200-$250

If you keep them, when the game comes out you'll be able to exchange your Duat tokens to ingame NFTs which should have a higher value...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for letting me know. I claimed the tokens using keychain, apparently "your balance 16996.0 DUAT". Now what? I'm not into NFTs...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Until the NFTs come out there is nothing you can do with this tokens unless you want to run a Node, now just need to wait for a few months. 😀

This NFTs will be used inside the game, they will be like some cards with different characteristics and values. People will use them in the game and also trade them which will increase the value, right now your tokens are not worth that much because there is no use for them yet.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I will have forgotten all about this in a few months! LOL
If you remember, remind me, and if I can get something for my tokens I'll give you a 20% finders fee.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There should be a lot of hype when the game will launch, I'll let you know when the time comes. No need to give me any cut, I haven't done anything but to remind you that you hold the tokens! :)

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Another great post. You've been on fire while I've been fiddling with my Witness stuff. Yes, I think realestate all over the place especially the western world is going to tank, it's already beginning in some places. Depending on how bad things get the fed is going to be pressured to lower rates again. That would hit the dollar putting wind at the back of many inversely correlated assets like most everything including crypto and more. As far as Blurt and it's price....that certainly would be nice. You and I are basically in the same boat, buying similar amount at a similar price. As they say, it's not a loss until you sold it! haha Hope you are well.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Here in Australia our housing is just as expensive if not more so than you have. Our housing costs need to drop about 75% to get back to something sensible. I could be in a similar position to you of being able to buy a house with my Blurt if this goes how you think it might.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I think you are right. Waiting for second half of 2023.

If the price goes to fifty cents, which some believe is possible during the next bull market, my BLURT would be worth 250,000 USD (323,000 CAD).

GO BLURT GO !!!!! 📈🚀