It seems like just yesterday that I hit 950,000 Blurt Power...

in blurt •  10 months ago 

That's because it WAS yesterday that I hit 950,000 Blurt Power! Thanks to some currency converting today, I powered up another 10k to reach the 960,000 milestone.


I'm 96% of the way to one million!

And if all goes well, I'll soon have another 10k to power up - from the last of the Hive "scraps" I mentioned yesterday. That will put me over 970k! That makes it sound very close.

But a quick reality check... I'm currently earning about 400 or 500 BLURT per post. At that rate, it would take more than 60 posts (approximately 3 months) to get there.

Ideally, I'll complete the trades tomorrow, bringing me to about 972k. If I can keep up my current pace, I should be able to hit 980 by mid December. That means I might be able to reach 990,000 by the end of the year, if I really work at it.

That's pretty close! It was a very ambitious goal, so I shouldn't feel ashamed that I will achieve it in January instead of December.

Besides, as of today I am now curating with one million BP! That's because 3 other accounts have delegated me a total of 37.5k BP. It's not my money, but get to vote with it. Currently, my full vote is worth about 50 BLURT ($0.18 USD)... and growing...

My plan is to post, comment, and curate with quality and quantity between now and Christmas, and hope it's enough once everything pays out by New Years. Also, a bit of HIVE will trickle in from small power-downs in my accounts, and I'll buy BLURT with it over the next few weeks. Aside from that, there's the compounding interest on my BP. Everything helps, because it looks like it's going to come down to the wire!

Rich List

I've been following the "rich list", which ranks Blurt accounts by BP. For months, I was working my way up through the 60s and 50s, then breaking into the 40s. I was at 45 or so a few weeks ago, when suddenly got bumped down a few points all at once. That indicates someone was creating new accounts and powering them up into whales. I noticed a few names I'd never seen before, which seemed to be alternate accounts of CTime. Then yesterday, I got dropped down to spot #50 by a couple more new whales. My new powerup to 960k puts me in rank #49.

Does it matter? I can hear you saying "this isn't a competition". Actually, on some very important levels, it is. You're not only competing against yourself, you're competing against the pack. If you aren't at least keeping up, then you're falling behind, and your relative stake is decreasing. Your power - your ability to do things, be seen, and have an impact - is draining away. There's only so much influence/reach/income to be had, and it is more-or-less dished out according to stake. That's just how this particular blockchain works, based on its settings. I'll do a full post about it another time. But yes, your effectiveness on Blurt isn't only decided by your nominal BP, but also by the holdings in other accounts. It kind of is a competition. You want to be bigger than as many other accounts as possible. It sounds cold, or greedy, but it's just a factor of this platform's settings, logic, and math.

So I do pay attention to the field around me, and not just myself, as part of my overall strategy. That said, I'm currently focused on achieving my own personal milestone!


BLURT's all-time high was about 12 cents each. It was routinely about 3 cents when I first got involved in 2022. So dreaming of BLURT at 5, 10, even 20 cents is completely realistic.

As crypto goes into a bull market through 2024 and 2025, BLURT at 50 cents is entirely possible.

That would put my current wallet at half a million dollars (680,000 CAD). That's enough to pay off my debts and buy a farm for my family! And my daily posts would be earning $100 and up. It could happen! It would certainly make my last 15 years of content-creation feel even more worthwhile. After all, I mainly do this to have my voice heard, and to help others. But being able to pay the bills doing what I'm passionate about would be a really nice bonus!



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Oh wow 960,000 BP! That’s huge, you are almost there! I think you will still be able to reach that 1M blurt power this year. 🙏

  ·  10 months ago  ·  

Congratulations 🎈🎊 it’s not an easy journey but your 4% close to hitting your target 🎯 I believe you can 🏆🏆

Congratulations on reaching 960k just left with 40k to go. You are doing well buddy

Almost there buddy!!!! 🏆

  ·  10 months ago  ·  

Otw 1m BP ✈️✈️✈️
