Is Blurt safe for activists, cannabis users, and freedom-fighters? Happy 4/20 from BC!

in blurt •  2 years ago 

Happy 4/20, Blurt! Hi, I'm DRutter, the "civilly-disobedient content creator" from BC, Canada. I'm a freedom-fighter, cannabis gardener, former medical professional, sound money advocate, family man, photographer, documentary maker, PTSD survivor, healer, philosopher, educator, and student... conscious, activated, and helping to wake up others for 15+ years. I'm trying to figure out if Blurt is a good spot for my content!

Briefly about me:

I'm a 47 year old husband and father who saw something wrong with the world and wanted to do what he could to fix/stop it. After 10 years in nursing and then starting my own online business, the years following 9/11 woke me up, and I wasn't able to return to mainstream society. I changed my life to become as free as I could, and live by my convictions, and try to help others. Power to the people is my mantra. Freedom for people and markets.

I started mainly on YouTube, talking about precious metals, free markets, and Liberty. I became heavily censored by about 2013, but achieved various successes and connected with some great people like Mike Maloney. I forsaw the whole Bitcoin thing before just about anyone else, and many of my subscribers became very rich. I then predicted the BTC price flawlessly for several years. I got directly involved in the Vancouver cannabis activism scene during the leadup to "legalization" (see my documentaries such as legalization is a lie and cannabis cures cancer from that period). I've been on the front lines of the freedom fight for a long time.

I came up with the concept of monetizing original content that is in demand, which later morphed into things like Patreon and the Steem/Hive blockchain. Unfortunately, I pitched the idea to my subscribers back in 2012, and was nearly crucified for it, because at the time anyone who "made money from their videos" was considered a charlatan, scammer, fraud, greedy, and so on. Nowadays, receiving payouts for quality unique content is the norm, and even YouTubers ask viewers visit their donation page to "support their ongoing work". I continued to create and post free content, but a small budget/income would really have gone a long way. I had the right idea, I was just early with implementation.

When Steem came along I got involved, grinding my way up year by year. I made the move to Hive, then saw with dismay as the downvote button became weaponized against independent content-creators like me. Now 5 years in, I've become victim to the bullies myself, accused of self-upvoting, which was never a crime until recently. Technically it's not against any rules, it has just become a sin in the eyes of certain whales. Although they do it themselves... it's just that there isn't anyone to stop them. So really they're just driving off anyone that is becoming a threat. I was in the top 1000 for reputation, meaning my posts were getting more and more difficult to censor. And I was about to power down and take my first ever payday. So the whales (or piranhas?) struck... and all my posts and comments were nuked to zero, hidden, flagged. When I defended myself, I was literally told "if you whine it will just get worse".

I'm still deciding what I'm going to do there, but already I've lost a lot of money, and all the momentum I had worked so hard to build. It was an uphill battle for me, without any whale/corporate support, just an organic content-creator and activist. For them to quash me after 5 years, just as I'm about to become profitable, really feels rotten. It's like I am tolerated there as long as I'm not asking for anything in return. My outside investments and constant power-ups were welcomed. My content was permitted, and I helped to build the platform. But as soon as I wanted to make a withdrawal, I was instantly demonized by a group of angry whales I'd never met or interacted with before. Maybe it wasn't that? Perhaps I didn't grease the right palms? Maybe I rubbed someone the wrong way and they can't let go? Maybe freedom content is being systematically squeezed out? Or perhaps some combination of the above. It's not right, and it happens ALL the time, as I'm certain you are all aware!

So I'm wondering, is this place safe for people like myself?

Here's just a tiny sample of some of the stuff I cover. Please note, I post about once a day, generally a video or a well-resaearched and edited article, or a photography series, or a protest report, etc. It's a fair bit of content, and I've been doing this for a lot of years, so I'm prolific. Below isn't a good representation of what I do (I'm not including any videos, for example), but I hope it gives you an idea of my topics and where I'm coming from. Would this interest anyone here?

I grow cannabis in a way that almost nobody else does - with nothing but air, light, tapwater, and plain organic soil. Nothing added, no nutrients, no sprays, no pesticides, just dirt and water. There's an added skill level required, especially if you want to produce more than a tiny amount of medicine, but it can be done. And I personally find it very worth the effort. It's the cleanest cannabis you can ever get, and tastes incredible too!

It's all about Liberty, for me. It's a topic just about everything I do and talk about is related to. Without our freedom we've got nothing, as everything can be taken from us, even our health, even our lives. Liberty comes first. Freedom or death.

I have now been censored (not to mentioned bullied and discriminated against) on every single platform I've been on, even those that claim to be against censorship, or "censorship-resistant". Censorship is tyranny of ideas. It's evil and can never be tolerated, not anywhere, not even a little. Those who put up with censorship or participate in it are my enemies.

My wife MediKatie and I fought "legalization" for years, knowing it would be a corporate monopoly that destroys the culture and dominates the market. Nobody listened. Now, we're trying to warm people around the world, as other countries emulate Canada's "success". Please, don't do it! It's a trap. 100% a trap, every time. Decriminalize it! End prohibition! But never "legalize".

Every year, a more important topic than the year before it. We're on the brink of all out war, with nuclear countries, and acting like it's not a big deal. Nobody is talking about or even thinking about peace. Like freedom and love, peace has become unpopular. I do what I can to advocate for peace.

I like to use humour, parody, and puns to make a point.

I supported and participated in Freedom Convoy from the very start, helping to launch it here in BC and send it across Canada to Ottawa. I documented the whole thing and continue to call for Justin Trudeau to be arrested for his crimes against the truckers, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the free market, medical rights, and humanity. Shame upon him. What a despicable tyrant.

Freedom Convoy was incredible. If you haven't read this article (and seen the video clips included), it's a great summary of the whole thing. What a beautiful thing that was. And I say "was" reluctantly, as the spirit of freedom is very much still burning in Canada, and when restrictions return, people are going to rise up forcefully again. Weekly actions like convoys to the border crossings are ongoing.

I've met amazing people in my recent freedom-fighting adventures. I have 2 little ones to think about now, but that doesn't keep me at home under the bed! We have to make this world a place worth handing over to them. They're the future. We have to obtain freedom in Canada and worldwide, in our lifetimes! I won't stop until we're free. I enjoy documenting my experiences at rallies, protests, convoys, and other actions. The old guy in the photo is a regular at local rallies. He knows it's about the kids and grandkids.

I grow and extract medicine from cannabis plants, and enjoy teaching others how to do it. This saves lives and takes power away from the corrupt and dangerous pharmaceutical giants.

Content like this is very often censored, discriminated against, passed over for opportunities, not curated, given labels, and on some platforms, deleted outright. I haven't spent enough time here yet to know, but I get the feeling Blurt is safer for cannabis knowledge that doesn't necessarily fit within the official medical narrative.

Please tell me, though: Is there any bullying or attempts at censorship going on here? I realize downvotes aren't part of the platform, but are there other ways people can be marginalized here? Flagged? Spammed? Hacked? Please let me know, as I'm honestly considering devoting some time and resources into expanding into Blurt, if I feel it's wise to do so! Thanks to anyone who can offer info, advice, support, or guidance.

A somewhat random photo of myself and a few other cannactivists. This was in Nov 2018, a month after "legalization". I held an event called "420 Open Carry", encouraging others to possess, display, and use large amounts of cannabis in public. We met in Robson Square in downtown Vancouver, one of the busiest areas for foot traffic. Big bags of weed, dabs, edibles, cannabis clothing, and so on. Basically, making the point that a lot about cannabis is STILL illegal. You can't have more than small amounts of bud. Extracts are illegal. Most edibles are illegal. Anything with enough dosage to get you high is illegal. Most plants are still illegal. People are still going to prison here in Canada, just for peacefully growing, selling, and using cannabis!

( "War on Drugs is a War on Us" by my friend Disl Automatic, with visuals taken by me at Vancouver's 4/20 event in 2015. )

So in 2022, on Four Twenty... smoke up! But remember what the day is about - the struggle for cannabis freedom! We're still in that struggle today, even under "legalization", which really didn't free the weed at all! The fight for decriminalization continues! End cannabis prohibition!!

Much love to Blurt, and also to my friends and supporters on other blockchains and platforms! I am interested to find out if there are likeminded people here, and if the platform is safe for my kind of content. I wouldn't want to make a big change only to find I was jumping from the pot into the fire! Are we relatively safe from various forms of censorship and attack? If so, you will be seeing more of me around. Thank you!

(And please forgive this short post. It's actually mostly a test, as I don't even know if it will work, or if anyone will see it! Thanks to my buddy @outofthematrix for help getting me some liquid tokens so this could happen!)


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Welcome! I don't see how they can take away what you already have.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Oh hey. Welcome to Blurt.


We may disagree on many things, but you will never be censored or downvoted.

It’s virtually impossible on Blurt.

Blurt is the Future…. You have finally arrived at the Promised Land.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for the welcome! I have powered up some B.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Congratulations. You will be a giant Whale in no time. It took me only one year to get to 1 Million Blurt Power. …. Happy Blurtting.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Everything you walked away from on STEEM/HIVE has been reset here. This is the PERFECT timing to remove yourself from their mess on the sister chain and just focus on the solutions. Before long, you and I as well as all the OTHERS will have a community or three on here that will EASILY pay a form of hard earned income or whatnot.

The Politics of what's going on at HIVE just speaks for the MASSIVE manipulation going on over there by people who you would NOT want to be associated with in any way in real life... so I can't go along with what they're up to any more.

On a GREAT NOTE, we have a rather nice Civil Suit ready to go and bring down one VERY SPECIAL member of the HIVE Cabal... as a Canadian citizen yourself I will invite you to take a look at it and see what you think. But in the meme time, you are most certainly WELCOME here good Bruv! 🤬🥓

Welcome mate!!!! 🌞 So glad to see you here!!!! @world-travel-pro @frankbacon guys, give him a warm welcome!!!! He's the reason, why I'm here!! 😂🙏🍀❤️😜

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

oh I know of the good Dr...

he famous where I'm From!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for the support, bro! I owe you 20 B :))
You are leading the way, you trailblazer!
Say hi to Bennie for me.

You owe me nothing mate! The fact that you made it here is reward enough!!! 🏆 You'll love it here! ❤️ Have a great start!!! 🌞🍀

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Sweeet, we're on our way!
I just powered up another 4000 B which I purchased through hive-engine.
So far so good!
How do I change my profile icon? I've tried in settings, and wallet, can't seem to find it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Yeah, that was a bit tricky... I will check later on the big screen for you.. 👍

EDIT: Go to your wallet and then click on "settings" on the far right hand side.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks, but when I log into my wallet and click "settings", it takes me to a wallet login screen. If I log in again, it takes me back to the wallet page. There's no option for changing settings.
Is there an FAQ? I'm wondering stuff like, is there a minimum amount for payouts? If a comment gets $0.01 will it pay out after 7 days, or does it need at least $0.02 like on Hive and Steem?

@frankbacon, can you help him out? 😬

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

no... but like I suggested to @ultravioletmag to use BRAVE browser, I suspect the problems start there with the browser..

Screen Shot 2022-04-16 at 1.19.18 PM.png

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks, it would be nice to not be an anonymous gray blob....

As for the question about payouts, don't worry too much about the answer, although I'm still interested to know. But now I have 68000 BP, so I don't have to worry about that! My votes are worth more than 5 B each ($0.14 USD) now. : D

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Welcome to blurt. I think you will do fine here.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Welcome to Blurt. Happy 420 !

So I'm wondering, is this place safe for people like myself?



  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Sweeet! : D
Thank you for the feedback and also the votes. Happy 4/20!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Lovely to have you here. You'll fit right in with the freedom community, which posts unencumbered here.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Welcome here. ☺

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

In my country narcotics are also strictly prohibited. but there are some people who still do narcotics transactions, sometimes I wonder why they keep doing it or because they are tempted by the amount of money they get.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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